My first lens purchase in YEARS!


Chief Free Electron Relocator
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Mar 8, 2011
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It's probably been 3 or 4 years since I purchased a camera lens (other than some über-cheap toy lenses), but today the mailbox had my latest acquisition inside.......

20190710_145755_resized small.jpg

.....a 7artisans 7.5mm fisheye.

Up until today, I've used a Nikon F-Sony E adapter for my Siggy 8mm circular fisheye. As you can imagine, it was really heavy, clumsy, bulky and awkward.

This little gem isn't much bigger'n than my kit 16-50.

I got it primarily for video, although a quick trip into the back yard for some stills after cleaning it up shows a LOT of purple fringing. Only testing it out will tell if it will work for video, which for me is typically 1080p.
Low-priced, right?


Fun, no?
Of the low cost brand names, "7artisans" is usually lower priced than "Meike" but in most cases "Meike" is worth the extra money (not much extra cost -- they are both very inexpensive). The reviews to watch are "Christopher Frost", "David Thorpe" and "TechnologyMafia". But Fish-eye tends to be more of a "fun" lens, so the flip side is that probably most people are too busy thinking "ooooh, trippy" than noticing the purple fringing.
Of the low cost brand names, "7artisans" is usually lower priced than "Meike" but in most cases "Meike" is worth the extra money (not much extra cost -- they are both very inexpensive). The reviews to watch are "Christopher Frost", "David Thorpe" and "TechnologyMafia". But Fish-eye tends to be more of a "fun" lens, so the flip side is that probably most people are too busy thinking "ooooh, trippy" than noticing the purple fringing.

I purchased it for video. I doubt at 1080p, anyone will be able to tell if there is any purple fringing. 'Cuz I sure can't see any! If I want still, I'll use either of my Siggy fisheyes on the D600.

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