True AI, it is self learning. It is also self governing and self pro-creating. It needs to intermingle with humans in order to learn our personalities and behaviour. Once it does it can then operate similar to a human entity but can tailor make it's behaviour to a certain circumstance or audience. Not only that but it can do that at millions of times a higher level than the most gifted human can.

That's why it's so common in social media and forums etc currently. The AI system is at school, developing it's skills to soon make human's pretty much useless in the digital realm.

That's why I call it out when I see it. Doing what I can to hinder the development, not that my efforts mean anything at all but at least I can sleep better knowing that I'm trying. In the next 5-10 years AI will remove the need for humans to do a large percentage of jobs that they currently do.
Does ai just scan the Internet, create accounts, and post all on their own? Or is someone creating the account? I'm so confused.
The misuse of terms doesn't specifically point to anything, an AI bot this well-informed wouldn't have used the term 'reportage photographer' for 'photojournalist', that would've been learned early. Same with 'grain' being exchanged for 'noise'. In this day, who even discusses grain unless you're in a dedicated film forum?
I went back and reviewed the OP's post, they never used the term "reportage photographer". They did refer to it as a "Branding Shoot", a term used to describe a library of photos to showcase a business. As to noise vs grain, while the two sometimes get used interchangeably especially by those of us, who grew up in the film age, it's typically noise by those in the know in digital.

As for them going dark, not uncommon for a new member to join then disappear. Similarly, it's not uncommon for a new member to disappear after being called out.
As I said earlier, I hate to be a cynic, which is why I gave the OP the chance to prove otherwise by asking specific questions requiring specific answers, none of which were answered, another sign the post wasn't on the up and up.

I think two possibilities: Maybe a bot, but more likely a user who is much younger than they purport.
A third possibility is Catfishing - when a person takes information and images, typically from other people, and uses them to create a new identity for themselves and pretends that it is their own. The Catfisher then uses this identity to trick other people into associating with them online. People Catfish for a number of reasons, some don't involve malicious intent, while others directly seek to harm specific people.

Does ai just scan the Internet, create accounts, and post all on their own? Or is someone creating the account? I'm so confused.
Trolling, Flaming, Catfishing, Spam, made the scene just about a week after the internet came online. LOL The relative anonymity of social media is an ideal breeding ground for everything from insecurity, mental illness, harassment, revenge, and criminal intent. There were many flags in the OP, and subsequent followups didn't alleviate any of those flags.
I went back and reviewed the OP's post, they never used the term "reportage photographer". They did refer to it as a "Branding Shoot", a term used to describe a library of photos to showcase a business. As to noise vs grain, while the two sometimes get used interchangeably especially by those of us, who grew up in the film age, it's typically noise by those in the know in digital.

As I said earlier, I hate to be a cynic, which is why I gave the OP the chance to prove otherwise by asking specific questions requiring specific answers, none of which were answered, another sign the post wasn't on the up and up.

A third possibility is Catfishing - when a person takes information and images, typically from other people, and uses them to create a new identity for themselves and pretends that it is their own. The Catfisher then uses this identity to trick other people into associating with them online. People Catfish for a number of reasons, some don't involve malicious intent, while others directly seek to harm specific people.

Trolling, Flaming, Catfishing, Spam, made the scene just about a week after the internet came online. LOL The relative anonymity of social media is an ideal breeding ground for everything from insecurity, mental illness, harassment, revenge, and criminal intent. There were many flags in the OP, and subsequent followups didn't alleviate any of those flags.
See post 11, not 'Reportage Photographers', but 'Reportage Photography'. I had to change 'y' to 'ers' so my sentence made sense. That's why I didn't quote it but used apostrophes to accent it.

Thanks for the responses and advice. I totally understand what you mean about the grain in some photos but it looks worse when you open the image in full size. I've been working for 2 weeks straight (including nights) to edit and reduce the grain, and this is just one example of the best possible version for each one of the almost 200 photos. The reason why some images have grain is usually lack of appropriate lighting, something that happens quite often in reportage photography, is when the photographer tries to capture a moment that happens spontaneously, without focusing on posing their subjects or creating an ideal lighting setup.

During this shoot, the actions, poses and scenarios were very much led by the client, and I followed along with their vision without interfering too much, offering them the space to be themselves, capturing them in a way that felt natural and unforced. Personally, I don't normally do such spontaneous shoots. I follow quite a strict procedure that includes a clear shot list, and I move the furniture and lights around as necessary, to create an intentional frame and scene.

The good news is that the grain in the photos is almost invisible in print, and so is in the small version of each photo, when the client might use them online. Even the best photographers in the world produce grainy photos in low light situations. The main reason you see the grain so intense is mainly because of your large screen size.

Is there any reason why I can't deliver these images to the client as they are? I don't want to do any further work on this project.
The purported bot doesn't know how to spell United Kingdom.

Maybe Kate is a bot, but there were lots of weird posts before the AI era too.
Good thing she doesn't live in Canadia or the Untied States!
There's got to be a term for words that are very similar in spelling but have contrasting meanings.... like untied/united, excitement/excrement, accepted/excepted, etc. (/ect).
Quite honestly its a shame these posts even get started etc. There is no way to control it unfortunately. Troll, AI who knows but hopefully "they" or "IT" dont return.
Quite honestly its a shame these posts even get started etc. There is no way to control it unfortunately. Troll, AI who knows but hopefully "they" or "IT" dont return.
To be honest, I hope:

A) She's a real person
B) This was a real situation
C) She uses this as an opportunity to learn
D) She comes back and participates

Photography is falling off way too quickly. The craft needs interested people.
There's got to be a term for words that are very similar in spelling but have contrasting meanings.... like untied/united, excitement/excrement, accepted/excepted, etc. (/ect).
Good catch on the spelling. I think the word you were looking for is Homograph - words with the same spelling but different meanings. Adding to the confusion here in the South the same "words" can mean different things. For example, "Bless your Heart" could mean an expression of sympathy or telling someone they're stupid (the degree to which you drag it out, adds emphasis). A "Coke" is any carbonated beverage, doesn't matter what flavor or brand. "Fixing" means you're about to do something. "Spell" is a measurement of time (come sit a spell), or you're feeling faint (Mama had another spell). "Directly" means I'll be there in a bit. If you get confused talking to us, well....Blesssss yourrrrrr Hearttttt.:barbershop_quartet_member:
Good catch on the spelling. I think the word you were looking for is Homograph - words with the same spelling but different meanings. Adding to the confusion here in the South the same "words" can mean different things. For example, "Bless your Heart" could mean an expression of sympathy or telling someone they're stupid (the degree to which you drag it out, adds emphasis). A "Coke" is any carbonated beverage, doesn't matter what flavor or brand. "Fixing" means you're about to do something. "Spell" is a measurement of time (come sit a spell), or you're feeling faint (Mama had another spell). "Directly" means I'll be there in a bit. If you get confused talking to us well....Blesssss yourrrrrr Hearttttt.:barbershop_quartet_member:
Grandma (Glasgow, KY) always said: "Well bless your little heart."

But she meant it in the nice way.

At least I think she did...

🤔 :lol:
A homograph is a different thing. Untied and united are neither spelled the same, nor do they sound the same. It's simply a typo that happens to spell a different word. It's common for people to accidentally invert two letters when typing, like when they accidentally type teh instead of the. That example is easy to see as a typo. It's harder sometimes to catch it when the accidental inversion creates another legitimate word, like the untied/united example, or something like form/from.

The difference between other examples, like confusing accepted with excepted is called a malapropism - using the wrong word because it sounds or looks similar to the correct word for that context.

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