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My Amaryllis bulbs were late to the party this year! Actually I forgot to order them and ended up buying these at HD last minute mid December. They were not in bloom for the holidays and they brought some fungus gnats with them. 😳 It took me a few weeks to get rid of the pesky little %#*€s. That’s the second time I bought something at HD that had gnats - the bagged soil I bought at the end of the summer when I was repotting some of my houseplants also seemed to bring them into the house. After trying many remedies I found online, only one thing worked. I used systemic granules on the larvae and sticky traps to get rid of the flyers.


Poor hibiscus is just confused! This cycle of El Nino is apparently on the strong side, and we're not the only ones feeling it! I wonder if this means you won't get much from the plant during regular growing season.

That mum looks beautiful with the water drops!
Yep, the weather has really been confusing a lot of plants. Back in December I saw a Mexican Plum in bloom, which was several moths too early, but something triggered it to bloom. The hibiscus was a rescue. The wind or something had knocked it off a table at Calloway's, and they had it on sale due to broken branches. I'll add some fertilizer in the Spring, and hopefully I'll see flowers throughout the Summer months. I purchased the mums as a centerpiece for Thanksgiving, and when the flowers died off, I put it out on the patio. I can't ever throw a plant out.
Seems this variety is quite cold hardy. Was in the teens several nights last week. It's 72 this afternoon and just cut 9 head. Left a few smaller ones and there will be lots of side shoots.

Seems this variety is quite cold hardy. Was in the teens several nights last week. It's 72 this afternoon and just cut 9 head. Left a few smaller ones and there will be lots of side shoots.

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That's sick!!! Only thing green in my yard is some slimy stuff energized by the recent thaw on the ramp into a garden shed.
Is it March already? Creeping Phlox has opened up and a Lenten Rose, (hellebore) is about to pop. Notice the daffodils shoots popping up too.


I actually noticed some shoots coming up in my front garden today. It's gotten warmer (in the upper 30s/low 40sF) the last few days but there's still snow in areas.

I seem to recall crocuses last year. (This will be my second Spring here.) The timing seems right. A welcome sight! :icon_flower:
Eek I haven’t even planted my tulip bulbs yet. I forgot about them again. They’ve been in the fridge. Just a cheap bag from Lowe’s. Might give it a go just to see what happens instead of throwing them away. We’re about 2 months away from spring bulbs popping up. I guess it’s probably a lost cause…
Eek I haven’t even planted my tulip bulbs yet. I forgot about them again. They’ve been in the fridge. Just a cheap bag from Lowe’s. Might give it a go just to see what happens instead of throwing them away. We’re about 2 months away from spring bulbs popping up. I guess it’s probably a lost cause…
Hope springs eternal...
Eek I haven’t even planted my tulip bulbs yet. I forgot about them again. They’ve been in the fridge. Just a cheap bag from Lowe’s. Might give it a go just to see what happens instead of throwing them away. We’re about 2 months away from spring bulbs popping up. I guess it’s probably a lost cause…
They should still be ok, maybe not as vigorous the first year, but next year back to normal. Serious gardeners dig them up and replant every year, leaves me out, lol.
They should still be ok, maybe not as vigorous the first year, but next year back to normal. Serious gardeners dig them up and replant every year, leaves me out, lol.

I have some nice ones that I left in the ground and assume they will come back nicely with no effort from me. These are cheap ones that I bought to use like annuals in my raised beds. I’ll pull them up bulb and all in May when I’m planting the dahlia bulbs in those beds. I just want some extra spring color.
Alpines slumbering in a cold frame. Tough cookies that happily survived some foul weather. Bound for special scree beds at the family ruin in spring.

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