Fuji Provia 100F C-41


Been spending a lot of time on here!
May 15, 2013
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St. Louis, MO. USA
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I think this film will work out just fine for cross-process in C-41.....Pentax MV, 50mm. Nikon Coolscan 9000. 125mb tiff. Slight levels adjustment in PS6.

Ha! That turned out beautifully. I love the way this looks!

Regular old Provia 100F, eh? Nice to know. ;)
Thanks for the kind words.......!
Go for it gagary! Most of my cross-process is shot with outdated E-6.
I like the way the colors are "off" a bit and saturated. I'll for sure use this to shoot automobiles next year. I' ll have to post up a few more I did years ago of fall leaves with the Kodak.
Thanks for the kind words.......!
Go for it gagary! Most of my cross-process is shot with outdated E-6.
I like the way the colors are "off" a bit and saturated. I'll for sure use this to shoot automobiles next year. I' ll have to post up a few more I did years ago of fall leaves with the Kodak.

Ive got some Ektachrome 100 plus 120 (5 rolls) that went out of date in 1993 that should do the trick

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