erotic film processing


TPF Noob!
Jun 7, 2015
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Can others edit my Photos
Photos NOT OK to edit
here's a tricky one for you people. I like to take erotic pics with my medium format 120 camera.

does anyone know where I get these processed by a lab, maybe specializing in this sort of genre? I don't want to send this stuff to a lab I'm not sure of with images some find naughty.
here's a tricky one for you people. I like to take erotic pics with my medium format 120 camera.

does anyone know where I get these processed by a lab, maybe specializing in this sort of genre? I don't want to send this stuff to a lab I'm not sure of with images some find naughty.

Shoot in black and white and develop it yourself. Scan into the computer using either a film scanner or a DSLR.

Otherwise, unless there's something illegal being portrayed, I wouldn't worry about it. Send it to Dwayne's or The Darkroom. Chances are the techs developing and scanning might snicker but beyond that, they won't care one whit. That's if they're even paying attention to the content of the images. I'm also fairly certain you won't be the only one sending "naughty" pictures for developing.
Simply ask a lab what their policy is. Some will, some won't, and some will make a judgement call depending on what they see in the negs.

As for 'scanning' with a DSLR, there's no real point in 'scanning' MF negs with a DSLR as you will end up with an image that is limited by the technical capabilities of the camera & lens.... so you might as well just use the DSLR to take the image in the first place.

For $200, you can get a good MF-capable flatbed scanner.
you may not want to use the walmart send out service. last i did with such pics i received a nasty little note about how they do not develop such content. (that would be fuji lab i believe). There policy may have changed since then however worth a call.

Photosmiths in dover nh will probably do it. I think they process about anything without a care.
I do that type of processing at my lab. We offer color print, E-6 and BW process and scan onto CD as well.
I do that type of processing at my lab. We offer color print, E-6 and BW process and scan onto CD as well.
since you work in a lab, do they actually check each print? Usually when i send out i get a slip back with the photos saying something like "quality checked by claire xxx" or something. Which leads me to believe some actually check each individual photo. Or is this fake?
Post some samples (20-30 should be enough) so we can better evaluate the issue.
I do that type of processing at my lab. We offer color print, E-6 and BW process and scan onto CD as well.
since you work in a lab, do they actually check each print? Usually when i send out i get a slip back with the photos saying something like "quality checked by claire xxx" or something. Which leads me to believe some actually check each individual photo. Or is this fake?

We view each and every photo before (make adjustments) and after printing (make sure it's optimal). Then we have another lab tech double check the work for any after printed corrections and print the photo again if we think it should be improved. All the lab techs in our lab have been doing this for years (I've worked in photos labs since 1985) and are highly skilled photographers ourselves.
I work in a lab too, and we've had some rather... intriguing things come our way. We don't really care much, but some of it is less artistic than it is flat out porn. Some of it I would like to repress far away in the recesses of my memory where it isn't accessible.
I work in a lab too, and we've had some rather... intriguing things come our way. We don't really care much, but some of it is less artistic than it is flat out porn. Some of it I would like to repress far away in the recesses of my memory where it isn't accessible.
Oh, you must have processed my donkey in satin pics...
I must admit I opened this thread just to see what could happen in the darkroom while processing film.

Dear Penthouse Forum,

The smell of fixer hung heavily in the air...
Dear Penthouse Forum,

The smell of fixer hung heavily in the air...

I thought I was alone in the dark but suddenly one, no two shapely shadows passed between me and the red light.
'Hello, big boy.' Two sultry voices whispered in chorus and two lithe but buxom bodies pressed me against the shelf while nimble fingers plucked at the top of my developer jugs.
'Need any help with those jugs,' I croaked.

OK, who goes next?
"Need any help with those jugs?"

"No, thanks," they replied. "We're just fine. We'll be in here developing all of our film while you go clean the house and mow the lawn. We'll expect dinner on the table when we're done in here. Thanks ever so much. Buh-bye now."

The End

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