Worldwide Pinhole Photography Day -- 28 April 2024


Between darkrooms
Mar 20, 2005
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Living in Snapshot reality.
Can others edit my Photos
Photos NOT OK to edit
I've been meaning to post about this, but it's springtime and things have been a bit busy.

Worldwide Pinhole Photography Day is Sunday, April 28 this year. For those who aren't familiar with it, WPPD is an annual event where photographers with pinhole cameras make an exposure on the designated day. Once processed, they can then upload their image to the WPPD website for display in they gallery. It's not a contest and there are no prizes aside from the enjoyment of the event and process. In 2023, there were 1651 participants from 57 countries.

Though this is not strictly an analog process (the photos can be made with any camera or process, from the latest digital models to daguerreotypes), pinhole photography often considered an alt process because of the unusual nature of the "lens" used. Paper negatives are a popular alt process medium (one of my favorites), but this year I'll myself be using Ilford HP5 Plus sheet film in 4x5 (it's being delivered today!)

I need to manufacturer a few pinholes myself over the next few days, so if anyone is interested, I may make a post illustrating how I (currently) make them. I will freely admit, this is the of my favorite events and photographic techniques!

For more information on WPPD itself, see and check out the prior year galleries!

Most of all, have fun!

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