Cameras Found After 85 Years


Been spending a lot of time on here!
May 15, 2013
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St. Louis, MO. USA
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Fascinating story. Thanks for sharing.

Amazing how long film will hold up. This decade-old story still intrigues me:

Incredible story! Thanks for posting it and I so hope they can save some of the film.
Incredible story! Thanks for posting it and I so hope they can save some of the film.
Yes, I'm very curious about the follow-up to this story. It's amazing that they found so much of the gear in addition to the cameras.
G'day all

While this is a 'good news story' it is not the only one describing similar events
Back - maybe 25-30yrs ago - Kodak US had a 8metre long x 1,2 m high (24 ft x 4ft approx) pano from an exposed film recovered from somewhere in the south Andes mountains, from an expedition originally from around the WW-1 years. The print was on display for many months in a railway station in New York

The original film was a 120-roll film which fitted into a special camera that took 4 pano images per roll, the film was found frozen solid and needed to be very carefully defrosted and handled "with kid gloves" before being printed.

Yes, an update on any efforts to retrieve the images contained would be appreciated.

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