Amazing Hidden Waterfall - Drone Photos


Been spending a lot of time on here!
Sep 11, 2010
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Western New York
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Hey guys! A friend of mine has been trying to drag me out to this spot to fly my drone for ages. Like an idiot, I've always dragged my feet. Today I finally went and man, I'm glad I did. I discovered a new waterfall just over an hour from home. It's quite large, definitely at or over 100 feet tall in the initial drop.

I'd wager that almost nobody in the local photography community knows this exists. It's well hidden from the road, so only those who hike in this state forest would be aware of it.. and it's surrounded by far more popular destinations that draw folks away from it.

It only exists in the photogenic form you see here briefly after heavy rains, according to my friend who spends a lot of time hiking in the area.

I'm definitely planning to photograph the area in different seasons. Can't wait to see what winter and autumn look like.


Awesome. The hidden ones are the best.
Great spot for future opportunities!

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