Adirondack Mountains - My first High Peak Hike


Been spending a lot of time on here!
Sep 11, 2010
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Western New York
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I'm about 5-6 hours drive time from the incredible Adirondack Mountains. I've taken photos there before, but I've never been brave enough to try climbing the high peaks because the elevation gains are quite intense.

There are (traditionally) 46 peaks over 4000ft elevation above sea level. It's a well known and respected challenge to hike all of them and become a "46er." I've wanted to start doing them for a while now, but hadn't worked up the courage.

Had this weekend off, and decided to head up with my friend and his dog to hike our first high peak (In February, because we're crazy). We chose Cascade Mountain because it was reportedly the easiest of the high peaks at just 4.4 mile round trip with around 1900 feet of elevation gain on the way up. Elevation at the summit is 4,098 feet. Ended up taking us about 5 hours round trip, but we took our time and enjoyed the views.

We grabbed an airbnb and made a weekend out of it, hiking a smaller hike Friday night as a warm up. Just wanted to share some photos from the weekend and recommend the area to anyone looking for awesome hiking and photo opportunities.

Sorry for the thread being photo heavy, couldn't narrow it down much further.

1.) First photo of the trip, taken with my drone at the first real scenic spot on the way up. The haze in the distance is an approaching snow storm.

2.) Pulled off for a bathroom break for the dog and I couldn't resist putting the drone up again. I'm glad I did.

3.) My friend and his dog at the top of Cobbs Hill, our Friday warmup hike: 4 miles and 485 feet of elevation gain. Overlooks the Olympic Village of Lake Placid.

I didn't take any photos on the trail to Cascade because the camera was packed away, but I should have. It was gorgeous snow covered pines the whole way up.

4.) Me on the summit of Cascade. It was *extremely* cold and windy on the bald summit with sustained winds over 50mph.

5.) This awesome group of Canadian hikers coming out of the tree line and onto the summit caught me eye. Love the snowy haze in the background, but it meant that there was almost no view to be had from the summit.

6.) Same hikers, up closer.

7.) Group shot of the group we ran into. Super cool guys.. Love meeting new friends on the trail. I emailed them over these 3 photos and they were super excited to have them.

8.) Fenway on top of the mountain. He's got 11,000 IG followers @fen_the_aussie and a lot of my photos are used on the page.

9.) Last Photo of the trip, a drone shot of a small cabin that was on the mountain behind the airbnb we stayed at. Loved the splash of color.

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