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Zoom Burst


TPF Noob!
Jan 28, 2008
Reaction score
San Marcos, CA
Can others edit my Photos
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a fun little technique to mess with
here are a couple




anyone have feedback?

thanks =P
Last pic was the best. Most fill of the shot.
yup yup
and thanks =P

this was with my 18-55mm lens because when i use my telephoto it gets more like a giant blur rather than a burst so it was difficult to get it really tight on some of them
I have been trying zoom bursts but I never seem to capture what I want. I have gotten a few but I'm usually not as successful as these pics. Nice Pics
a good idea when doing pan-zooms is to hold it at a given focal lenght, and then zoom.

I've done it for some night pics and it works great.
Very good pics! I like the last one the best, even thought it looks a tiny bit overexposed.

I was aware of the zoom burst technique, but I never knew it would look so good on photos like flower macros! Great job!
Ah. Cool. Zoomers!
We have an entire theme thread in the Photo Themes somewhere (can be found by looking through the index there) on "Zoomers and Shakers". If only zooming worked this smoothly with my lens, but mine's bumpy.
hahah these were all on 1/10th of a second with my 18-55
do a fast burst and u can handhold em too =P

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