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ZION National Park


TPF Noob!
Aug 31, 2003
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Wife, Kids and nephews went to Kolob Canyons in Zion Yesterday. Here are two pics. You all know you wanna come to Zion for a Meetup soon!


the colors remind me of grand canyon... how fun it must have been to see what you all saw, great shots! Is there any way to light up the face on #2 a little and bring out some more of that beautiful color?
Zion is only..... 25 Minutes for me :P
his4ever said:
the colors remind me of grand canyon... how fun it must have been to see what you all saw, great shots! Is there any way to light up the face on #2 a little and bring out some more of that beautiful color?

Not a photoshopper..... but anyone who wants to is welcome to edit the pics.
Would you PLEASE stop talking about Zion?!? It is going to end up costing me money when I can't fight the urge of going there! :lol:
Oh, I miss it! :heart:

Absolutely one of my favorite places on the planet.

Zion is magic. When I'm there, I never want to leave! :D
Chase said:
Would you PLEASE stop talking about Zion?!? It is going to end up costing me money when I can't fight the urge of going there! :lol:

U know U wanna go to Zion!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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