Well...more warmth to it. More vibrance to the mountains in the background. As I could see it in real life, the sun was less prominent and the tree diffused the sunlight more. Definitely seemed to be more "orange" glow to it in person. I think a lot of it had to do with the angle. If I had gotten the sun more directly in the branches of the tree, I think it would have been better...not really sure...just seemed better in person at the time But then so did the rest of the pictures I took yesterday
A few posts up you'll see my description (as best I can) for what I was going for. So...if I were to go back and try again (might sometime), I should put the tree to the side. I WAS trying to get the sun shining THROUGH the tree, but I don't suppose that prevents me from putting the tree at the side, and I do agree that that would feel less "forced" than having the tree in the middle. Then make sure to expose it better. Perhaps would focusing on the mountain help? Or should I focus to infinity? Or focus on the tree? And, as said, make sure I get the top of the tree Or should I just scrap the idea entirely?