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Would you trust this site?

www.cameraaddict.com I am debating whether not it is legit.

This is the world of internet. Somebody here is anybody. You don't know me and I don't know you.

When it come into bussiness in the internet - as a friend at work told me - they actually can be traced though their registration. If they never registered it in the first place than they don't have it.

But if you sell 2nd hand goods in ebay, people still do buy it - base on trust. Many people have lost their money in the internet transactions, including from a poster here in this forum.

So, is the cameraaddict dot com a trust worthy?
Woah! Haha
Ok thank you
oh man that site sounds so bad
man...seriously, how do people live with themselves running a scam like that? There are truly people with no conscience, to be able to swindle people out of their hard-earned money like that. I really hate scammers.
hahaha i love how they have the canon S3-IS on the front page as if it is brand new
What I don't understand is how is a "company" like this not investigated and shut down?
I wonder why better biz bureau or other form of commerce agency does not nail them? All they have to do is buy something from them.

I basically stick with B&H then Amazon - in that order. I do not even go with Amazon if it's not directly from Amazon because Amazon gives me the "they are responsible, contact us after 10 days, blah blah blah ..." That's why I go with B&H - a couple bucks more, but worth it to know that I do not have to hunt them down or threaten to sue them to get what I ordered :)
Ok, I was feeling a little mischievous :fangs: and wanted to have a little fun. I thought it would be interesting to send them an email inquiring about their ratings just to see what kind of response they give. Here is the email I sent below, and I will post their answer (when and if I ever receive one, lol)


I was looking at your products on your site and I was amazed at the low prices. I am currently in the market for a new Canon DSLR.

Then, I checked your rating on http://www.resellerratings.com/store/Camera_Addict and at first I thought I had read your rating wrong. I thought - "2.6? Wow, that is really bad! I wonder if that's a typo? But then I looked closer, and saw that in fact, it wasn't 2.6 after all- it was POINT-6! Your business has a six month rating of .26 out of 10 and a lifetime rating of .63 out of 10. Your company doesn't even have a full point for a rating. I could be wrong, but that seems like a pretty bad rating. Maybe the photography equipment-selling business has tough customers? Just curious why all the bad reviews and what steps are you taking to improve your service?


Ok, I was feeling a little mischievous :fangs: and wanted to have a little fun. I thought it would be interesting to send them an email inquiring about their ratings just to see what kind of response they give. Here is the email I sent below, and I will post their answer (when and if I ever receive one, lol)


I was looking at your products on your site and I was amazed at the low prices. I am currently in the market for a new Canon DSLR.

Then, I checked your rating on http://www.resellerratings.com/store/Camera_Addict and at first I thought I had read your rating wrong. I thought - "2.6? Wow, that is really bad! I wonder if that's a typo? But then I looked closer, and saw that in fact, it wasn't 2.6 after all- it was POINT-6! Your business has a six month rating of .26 out of 10 and a lifetime rating of .63 out of 10. Your company doesn't even have a full point for a rating. I could be wrong, but that seems like a pretty bad rating. Maybe the photography equipment-selling business has tough customers? Just curious why all the bad reviews and what steps are you taking to improve your service?



They will never respond to that.. lol
Looking at the site, they have cameras that aren't even on the market for sale. The Sony a300,a350 are for sale and they are not being released for another 2-3 months on the market. I almost got scammed by a company like this one they had the body I wanted for 400 cheaper than anyone else. then they tell you a battery is 200 a charger is 150 ect.ect. (which all come with the camera) by the time I was done it was 600 over the most expensive site I found! Then they told me my camera would take 10-12 weeks to come. needless to say I canceled and whet to Ritz and bought the same camera the same day for half the price.
According to the BBB, this name is registered under the parent company Broadway Photo. Wasnt Broadway exposed as some back-alley type company? No real store, just an address in an alley in NY. According to the BBB they use about 20 different names for the same company. I would stay away.

Edited to add the contact information from BBB below:

Business Contact Information


Additional Business Names:
A&M Photo World
Best Camera
Camera Addict
Digital Liquidators LLC
Ghu, LLC
Millenium Camera
Preferred Photo
Prestige Camera
Regal Camera
Wild Digital LLC

337 East 89th Street
Brooklyn, NY 11236

View Location Map

Ben Z. Cohen, President

Phone Number:
(718) 338-1800

Additional Phone Numbers:
(718) 338-0634
(800) 951-9542
(718) 338-1352
(800) 709-4491
(866) 407-3425
(800) 432-2180
(800) 572-6152
(718) 338-0634
(718) 837-5999
(718) 837-2666
(718) 837-5999
(718) 837-2666
(800) 819-6661
(800) 819-6661
(253) 423-3535
(718) 645-4800
(718) 645-6944
(800) 685-5140
(718) 663-7123
(917) 852-6536
(800) 957-6628

Fax Number:
(718) 338-3029


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