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Would You Rather?


TPF Noob!
Jun 1, 2013
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Games are coming to mind tonight. :lol:

This one I play all the time with my daughter, we just love it.

It's called...'would you rather.' How to play, very simple. You ask a question that the other person has to answer what they'd rather do, or where they'd rather live, etc...example;

would you rather know your time of death, or how you are going to die?
would you rather live to be 100 but in bad health, or live to be 60, in great health?

you get the idea.

this has no winners...anyone can quote the question, and answer whatever questions they like as the thread goes along.

it's fun because you get to see how others' think, and how their views on life differ from yours.

have fun!

I will go first:

Using the one above...

Would you rather know how you are going to die, OR...when?

I say when.

(If you want to, explain your reasons)
Meh, I kinda know how, and I kinda know when. . . modern medical science can be a *****. But, I have hope, they have been at ot for 2000 years now, and still call it a practice, so I take it all with a grain of salt.

More importantly, and a question you left out, I would be MOST interested in knowing WHERE. I hope it's not in a car, or on a crapper. I don't wanna be remembered by those headlines.
yeah, where is a good point.
i don't want to be on a plane. that would be horrible. i don't want to be out of control like that. :(

ok...you choose a would you rather question.

i'm going to bed soon...i'll leave this one here...

would you rather be stunningly attractive, and less than average intelligence. but everything is handed to you, due to your looks. OR ...would you rather be brilliant, but hideous looking on the outside?

i'd opt for brilliant, looks fade.
Would you rather be a no name mediocre baseball player in the major leagues or be a star in the minors?
Would you rather be a no name mediocre baseball player in the major leagues or be a star in the minors?

I'd rather be the no name.. even the horrible players make ridiculous money.
Would you rather be a no name mediocre baseball player in the major leagues or be a star in the minors?

I'd rather be the no name.. even the horrible players make ridiculous money.
Really? I didn't know that. Lol
Ok now you ask a question. Uh oh...here we go again.
You leave your answer then you ask a would u rather question. :)
Sorry, had to get some sleep lol


Would you rather live dull and die old, or live wild and die young?
Sorry, had to get some sleep lol


Would you rather live dull and die old, or live wild and die young?

Well, I seem to be going for the dull part--it's yet to be determined whether I die old(er). Which I'd "rather"?? Depends on how you define "dull" versus "wild."
(I stink at this game, because I over-analyze EVERYthing... :lmao: ). I've never had any desire to live "wild," as in drugs, booze, sex, and daring-do.
And I'm really not much of a risk-taker...so yeah, dull and old it is. :D

Would you rather be well-loved and destitute, or filthy rich with only two friends in the world?
Hmmm - I'm currently destitute with at most, two friends in the world, so any alternative has GOT to be better!
Can I just be "quite a bit less than well off" and loved?

Would you rather be blind or deaf?
I live alone and have two close friends .. guess I'd take the money to go with that. Lol

Would you rather be in a movie or make a movie?
Oops.. snowbear posted first, so cancel my question. Lol
Hmmm - I'm currently destitute with at most, two friends in the world, so any alternative has GOT to be better!
Can I just be "quite a bit less than well off" and loved?

Would you rather be blind or deaf?

Well, I'm already about half-blind and half-deaf. I think I'd go with deaf if I had to choose one; because I like a lot more of what I SEE than what I HEAR. :lmao:

Oh, and snowbear: *I'll* be your friend...so that makes at least three. :D

If you HAD to repeat one year of your life, would you rather repeat your senior high school year or the year of your first permanent, full-time employment? (This assumes you're old enough to have already experienced those two events)
First year of senior HS... you never appreciate how good it was until you get out of there and work for a living. Lol
Would you rather be stuck in the jungle with a tiger hunting you, or stuck in the ocean with a shark after you?

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