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Worst Beer Eveeeerrrrrrrrr


TPF junkie!
May 10, 2007
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Slapamonkey, New York
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So what is it where you are, you know the kind, That dirt cheap stuff that you would not touch with a ten foot pole even if you where alredy well beyond typsy.

Here it is "the Beast" (old Milwakees best)
Icehouse. I don't know if you can even call it beer. It was the cheapest stuff the market across my apartment in Seattle had.
Icehouse. I don't know if you can even call it beer. It was the cheapest stuff the market across my apartment in Seattle had.

Actually I like Icehouse, good beer for it's price, and it can keep up with some of the Canadian beers content wise.
Natural Ice, I think it's like $6 for a case.
any of that American rubbish or any of that European rubbish, in fact its only the UK that makes good Beer. So in other words if it ain't British it's cat's ****
That's true, almost. And only until the masses catch on and they water it down as they put it in every pub they can find.
British make good beer??? hahahah.a... well hang on.. that might actually be true if you served it cold! :-P

Fourex (XXXX) here is pretty bad. Which is what, according to advertising, we all drink. hehehe.
Never ask for a Black Sheep in Wales!

. . . but it is fair game in the Yorkshire Dales!
The beer I have fermenting in my closet.....

OK! I don't have a closet...

I live and work in a pub, and I can't answer this question....
The beer I have fermenting in my closet.....

OK! I don't have a closet...

I live and work in a pub, and I can't answer this question....

You can't answer because you are feebing the stuff to the patrans or can't answer because you just don't want to. :)
Nah, I just actually don't know what the worst beer is.

Our best seller is Carling or Carlsberg, but thats coz its cheapest.

Does that make it the worst? I don't know.
Nah, I just actually don't know what the worst beer is.

Our best seller is Carling or Carlsberg, but thats coz its cheapest.

Does that make it the worst? I don't know.

Nah, price does not always play factor but is often tied in. In my account "The Beast" is just plain horrible beer and happens to be amung the cheapest available, but one of the beers also in that price range is worth drinking in my opinion, So price is not the determining factor but the beer itself.
True, but we don't have many other beers, we sell more real ales than beer.

I'm not keen on Becks.
True, but we don't have many other beers, we sell more real ales than beer.

I'm not keen on Becks.

Ah speaking of Becks....it's the green bottle. I stear clear of anything in a green bottle, It gets too much light and skunks quickly.

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