Won a Canon Elan 7 body on fleabay....


No longer a newbie, moving up!
Apr 8, 2011
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Santa Paula, Ca
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Yeah, it's clean and was only $15. So how could I go wrong?

I'm sure theres a few of you out there who have shot with one. I have a couple EF lenses to use on it but they're both pretty long (EF 70-300 IS USM & EF100-400L) I'm looking for a decent not-to-expensive walk-around zoom. Any recommendations? I was considering the EF 28-80 USM or the 28-105 USM II. The build quality seems better than the newer plastic stuff. Are there any older Sigma or off brand EF mounts worth looking into from 10 years ago or so?
Nice. I really wanted an Elan 7, back when I was shooting with an EOS 650.

Check out the 28-135mm IS. It was usually considered the optimal mid-range 'walk around' lens for Canon 35mm film bodies.
I used to have an old Tamron 24-70mm F3.5-5.6. It was OK.

I've got an EF 35-80mm F4-5.6 III (kit lens from a Rebel G) that I'm selling for $50 (plus shipping), if you're interested.
I have an Elan 7 and used the 28-105 II with it almost exclusively. I love that lens, especially for the cost (got it for about $120). The construction is sturdy -- it survived a 2 week backpacking trip to New Zealand during which time it was regularly mistreated -- and the photo quality isn't technically perfect, but gives you very nice results, especially for the money. I have a couple 11x14 prints from Fuji 160 color film on my wall that I've taken with it and they're pretty damn sharp. I agree with Mike that the newer 28-135 is a bit better, but I like the fact that the 28-105 is a bit faster on the long end and is 1/3 the price.

Here's a link showing direct comparison photographs:

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Another lens I have (still not sure if I want to sell it) is the 35-105mm F3.5-4.5. It's got a sloppy push/pull zoom, but the optics are pretty good for a cheap zoom lens.
If you could find a cheap one of these, it might make a decent walk around lens.
Thanks for the advice guys! Its was exactly what I was looking for! I think I'm going to go with the 28-105 II, it seems to have everything I'm looking for. Since I got the body for practically nothing spending a little more in a 28-135 might not be a bad idea either if I can find a smokin deal on one.

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