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Wolfville, Nova Scotia and St. Martins,New Brunswick. Beautiful!


TPF Noob!
Jan 29, 2018
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The wife and I traveled to New England, New Brunswick, and Nova Scotia this past October during which time we visited Wolfville, NS where I captured this panoramic shot and one of the two cover bridges in St Martin, New Brunswick.


Reduced Covered Bridge.webp
The second one is very nice, very relaxing. Remove the fake blur, and it's a winner for me!
Love the colours in #2.
2nd one. Hands off.
Wow, my brother in law lives in Fredericton New Brunswick. And he used to run a photography business called MDSPhotography (Michael David Smith). I think he shut it down (dont see it anymore)

Saw your title with all local areas and with your username and thought you were him for a bit until I saw the "lives in Florida" part. Welcome to the forum. I think I have some very old photos (snapshots from before I was into photography) of my motorcycle next to that bridge.
Wow, my brother in law lives in Fredericton New Brunswick. And he used to run a photography business called MDSPhotography (Michael David Smith). I think he shut it down (dont see it anymore)

Saw your title with all local areas and with your username and thought you were him for a bit until I saw the "lives in Florida" part. Welcome to the forum. I think I have some very old photos (snapshots from before I was into photography) of my motorcycle next to that bridge.

That is a small world indeed and thanks for the welcome. We really enjoyed our time up there.

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