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Winter in Innsbruck, Austria


TPF Noob!
Feb 5, 2012
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Innsbruck is a unique city. It is quite big and it is situated in a tight valley between high mountains. I think there is no other big city like that: so close to such high mountains…

Only been there in too hot sunny summer nights....
My last visit was in 2019, catched the a night train after a quick visit to the hard rock café. :)

Wondering how cool it must be to visit this city in winter.
Althought it's more like a 'transit' city for people going further up the valleys to the mountain villages for skiing (in winter).
When flying into Innsbruck I think the captain should warn you of a very quick slow down once the aircraft is on the ground..:eek-73:
When flying into Innsbruck I think the captain should warn you of a very quick slow down once the aircraft is on the ground..:eek-73:

The air strip is pretty steep here:



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