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Which way should i go?


TPF Noob!
Aug 5, 2010
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Right now all i have is my nikon d40 and 18-55mm kit lens. hubby feels bad that i haven't gotten a real christmas, anniversary, mothersday or birthday gift this past year and told me that i have an allowence of $1200 for whatever i want for my new photography obsession.

i had already compiled a list of things i wanted for my d40 and i'd still have almost half my 'allowence' left for more. that list includes:
50mm 1.8
28-80mm 3.3-5.6
35mm 1.8
55-200mm 4-5.6

OR... well, i was playing with the canon t1i today at work.. i really really like it! so for the $1200 i've been aloted... i could get a bundle with t1i body with the 18-55 kit lens, a 75-300mm 4-5.6, then buy the 55mm 1.8 and either th 430ex or 580ex speedlight.

what's your guys' advice? is there something else/different you'd suggest i get? Thanks in advance!
My first advice is to pause and stop looking at the gear for a moment. Before you can choose new gear you need to have an idea of where you are going and what you want the gear to do. In other words you need to work out what it is that you current gear won't let you do or what you would like to have done better than it currently does.

Once you've outlined that in your mind (And you might very well have several different ideas as to what you need) you can start to look at what is on the market and what can let you get toward your goals.
I do not see a need for loading up on lenses. You have to make that decision.

With the release of Nikon's new D3100 for $699 (debatable) you can get the body and a kit lens. Or just get the body since you already have a kit lens.

Are you interested in off camera flash? There are alot of options here. Just keep in mind neither the D40 or the D3100 has a CLS commander.

What type of photography do you enjoy. Portrait? Macro? Sports? Landscape? You could possible purchase a very decent prime lens to suit your needs.

Do you have post processing software?

Save $100 and take your hubby on a date too!
My first advice is to pause and stop looking at the gear for a moment. Before you can choose new gear you need to have an idea of where you are going and what you want the gear to do. In other words you need to work out what it is that you current gear won't let you do or what you would like to have done better than it currently does.

Once you've outlined that in your mind (And you might very well have several different ideas as to what you need) you can start to look at what is on the market and what can let you get toward your goals.

good advice. thank you. right now i'm really only in it for hobby but i very much enjoy taking pictures and i love a wide range of things. i'm not terribly concerned with having too much, i just want to have the right things for what i'll be doing. I know i'll def. use the 35mm & 55mm and a speedlight for sure. there have definatly been many times i've wished i had a higher zoom and enjoyed using my friends 55-200. i dont have a goal so much for where i want to go as i'm just learning and having fun.. nothing professional in my sights for now :)

I do not see a need for loading up on lenses. You have to make that decision.

With the release of Nikon's new D3100 for $699 (debatable) you can get the body and a kit lens. Or just get the body since you already have a kit lens.

Are you interested in off camera flash? There are alot of options here. Just keep in mind neither the D40 or the D3100 has a CLS commander.

What type of photography do you enjoy. Portrait? Macro? Sports? Landscape? You could possible purchase a very decent prime lens to suit your needs.

Do you have post processing software?

Save $100 and take your hubby on a date too!

i am definately going to get an off camera flash.. it's a must for where i take most of my photos. i'll have to read about the d3100. i've played with the d3000 and d5000, but i think i like the t1i much better. and i was aware the d40 doesn't have a cls commander.. that was another reason i was looking at a second body.

most of what i photograph is portraite but i'm trying to get out there and play alot more with different types. and i also intend on getting photoshop.. at the moment i have paint shop pro x2... it works but it's not the best.
The D40 has a capabilty few other cameras have, you can sync a flash at up to 1/4000 sec. (The T1i, like most DSLR's is limited to 1/200)

From Nikonusa.com -
Fastest Shutter Speed
1/4000 sec. in steps of 1/3 EV

Plus the D40, like all Nikon dSLR's, has color-aware metering. The only Canon's that do are the much more expensive 7D and the 1D MKIV.

If you have not yet maxed-out what the D40 can do, you don't need a new camera body.

The D3100 has been announced, but it will be a little while before they start to ship.

Note - the T1i was obsoleted by the T2i and the Nikon equivelent to the T2i is the D90, until a D90 replacement is released. Rumors say that will happen next month.
The D40 has a capabilty few other cameras have, you can sync a flash at up to 1/4000 sec. (The T1i, like most DSLR's is limited to 1/200)

From Nikonusa.com -
Fastest Shutter Speed
1/4000 sec. in steps of 1/3 EV
Plus the D40, like all Nikon dSLR's, has color-aware metering. The only Canon's that do are the much more expensive 7D and the 1D MKIV.

If you have not yet maxed-out what the D40 can do, you don't need a new camera body.

The D3100 has been announced, but it will be a little while before they start to ship.

Note - the T1i was obsoleted by the T2i and the Nikon equivelent to the T2i is the D90, until a D90 replacement is released. Rumors say that will happen next month.

i do love my d40 and i have no intention of getting rid of it. thanks for the info!
I do not see a need for loading up on lenses. You have to make that decision.
I agree with this.

Usually when I buy a new piece of equipment, I'm surprised by all the things I can do with it that I couldn't do before. Learning and experimenting with it is fun and almost obsessive.

I can only imagine buying 5 new things. It would be overwhelming.

I would get the 50 1.8 and be amazed at the difference from your kit. Save the rest of the money for later when you decide what you want definitively... You may end up deciding you only wanna shoot with fast lenses.
i do love my d40 and i have no intention of getting rid of it. thanks for the info!

If you keep your D40, getting a T1i seems like a bad idea for two reasons:
1. You will need two separate sets of lenses for the two cameras
2. The T1i isn't really much of an upgrade

Also, the Canon 75-300mm lens you mentioned with the T1i does not have image stabilization. So keep in mind that if you go that route, you will likely need to use a tripod for most photos at high zoom. If you want to avoid that, you are probably better off with the 55-200mm VR Nikon (or the 55-250mm IS Canon, if you get the T1i) with image stabilization. Or you could get a 70-300mm stabilized lens for more zoom but at a higher price. There's also a newly announced 55-300mm Nikon lens that falls between the 55-200 and 70-300 in terms of price.

Speaking of tripods, a good one of those maybe something to add to your list! :D

You mentioned using an "off-camera flash". Do you simply mean a flash that will be attached to the hot shoe or a flash that can be completely separate and be triggered remotely by the camera? If you mean the latter, neither the T1i nor the D3100 has a remote commander built-in.
I do not see a need for loading up on lenses. You have to make that decision.
I agree with this.

Usually when I buy a new piece of equipment, I'm surprised by all the things I can do with it that I couldn't do before. Learning and experimenting with it is fun and almost obsessive.

I can only imagine buying 5 new things. It would be overwhelming.

I would get the 50 1.8 and be amazed at the difference from your kit. Save the rest of the money for later when you decide what you want definitively... You may end up deciding you only wanna shoot with fast lenses.

definately something to consider! i'm very wishy-washy when it comes to spending money so it takes me a long time to decide what is worth the money.. so likely i wouldn't get it all at once. the 50 1.8 is on my list nomatter what. i've wanted that the most! i've played with my kit lens leaving it at 35mm and 50mm to figure out which i would use/like the most and i really love them both equily as far as zoom is concerned.. i can only imagine the drool-worthiness of the lens itself!

i do love my d40 and i have no intention of getting rid of it. thanks for the info!

If you keep your D40, getting a T1i seems like a bad idea for two reasons:
1. You will need two separate sets of lenses for the two cameras
2. The T1i isn't really much of an upgrade

Also, the Canon 75-300mm lens you mentioned with the T1i does not have image stabilization. So keep in mind that if you go that route, you will likely need to use a tripod for most photos at high zoom. If you want to avoid that, you are probably better off with the 55-200mm VR Nikon (or the 55-250mm IS Canon, if you get the T1i) with image stabilization. Or you could get a 70-300mm stabilized lens for more zoom but at a higher price. There's also a newly announced 55-300mm Nikon lens that falls between the 55-200 and 70-300 in terms of price.

Speaking of tripods, a good one of those maybe something to add to your list! :D

You mentioned using an "off-camera flash". Do you simply mean a flash that will be attached to the hot shoe or a flash that can be completely separate and be triggered remotely by the camera? If you mean the latter, neither the T1i nor the D3100 has a remote commander built-in.

the VR on the 75-300 is something i want. another reason i'm iffy on the t1i bundle. more than likely hubby would take over the D40 so it wouldn't only be my second if i needed. he wants to get into photography if for nothing more than to have something to do with me.

as for off-camera flash... for now, a hotshoe flash would be enough but *eventually* i'd want something i can have seperate and triggered remotely. im nowhere near a place where i have that need at the moment.

Thanks for all the advice everyone! it's given me much to consider! hubby is one of those "just get it!" type of people, me not so much...

eta: i do have 2 tripods, though i don't think i'd classify them as 'good' lol
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