Which edit do you prefer?


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Jan 18, 2014
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Hi There,

See below 2 edits of same image. Which edit do you prefer and why:

Pic 1
_JBO3929 (1).jpg

Pic 2

Second one for sure. I tend to gravitate to bold colors.
Pic 2 is obviously more pleasing to the eye because of the vivid colors. Which pic is closer to the original?
Second one.
The second one because I like saturated colors over pastels.
I would like more of an angle, but the second one.
Second one... ok it just border line on being too much for my taste but the second one. For me
The second one is more attractive but I prefer real and ugly to fake.
Definitely the second one, I just feel like this pastel style doesn't do the rose justice. I'd rather do a black and white with color accent than turned it pastel tbh.
The second one for me...

Second one for sure. I tend to gravitate to bold colors.

Pic 2 is obviously more pleasing to the eye because of the vivid colors. Which pic is closer to the original?

Second one.

The second one because I like saturated colors over pastels.

Personally, neither. I'd like to see something in the middle.

I would like more of an angle, but the second one.

Second one... ok it just border line on being too much for my taste but the second one. For me

The second one is more attractive but I prefer real and ugly to fake.

Another vote for the second one.

Definitely the second one, I just feel like this pastel style doesn't do the rose justice. I'd rather do a black and white with color accent than turned it pastel tbh.

Thanks for all the replies.

For the record the second one is much closer to reality. Its a flower on some sort of bush in my garden, no idea what its called.

The preference for vivid colour is noted.


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