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Which color film do you prefer and why? Velvia v Provia and Ektar v Portra v Superia


TPF Noob!
Dec 30, 2012
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Titusville, Florida, USA
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I'm interested in hearing what differences other people see in these films, as well as which they prefer and why.

Velvia vs. Provia
Ektar vs. Portra vs. Superia

Also, (as an afterthought) could someone please explain the difference between 100 and 100F to me?
I have never shot Velvia or Provia so cannot comment on those two. I have a box of Ektachrome E100G in the freezer that I have been shooting occasionally, it's a great film it has nice rich colours.

I like both Ektar and Portra, both have their strengths, Portra is brilliant for people shots, Ektar not so much, but it's magic for landscapes, I've heard it works well for long exposures too.

Fuji superia is a good day to day film. I have taken some of my best shots with it. I recently used some for long exposures at night and it works great, also no awful digital noise like my DSLR, just a small amount of grain.
Have you tried Agfa Precisa ( it is said to be provia 100) but cheaper
Agfa Precisa


This is Fuji Superia 200 (just discontinued) shame
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I may have to look into some of the agfa stuff. I haven't tried any of their stuff before.
I'm a Fuji 400 Superia fan. I've enlarged 35mm negs of this up to 30x40 in the darkroom and it looks fantastic. I'll scan this stuff with my Noritzu 1800 or Nikon 9000 and it's very nice.
I used to like the Ektar 125 you could get back in the day, but the new Ektar does nothing for me. Agfa makes good stuff as well, I've shot a few rolls and it looks nice..

On E-6 films, I only shoot those films to cross process in C-41 chemicals (me miss Kodachrome). Kodak E-100 (if you can find it) gives me my favorite effect.

On the difference between 100 and 100F Fuji's...? I myself would shoot a roll of each, same subjects then process at the same lab at the same time.
Here is a link to 100/100F films......
FUJICHROME Velvia 100F | Fujifilm Global

Just a note.....The customers at my lab shoot the 100F more than the 100.
Weird. Superia 400 is the only film I haven't liked so far. The batch I got was extremely grainy (much more than is expected of 400 speed). Then again the source I bought it from was extremely questionable and it may have been horribly out of date with little or no refrigeration... I may have to try another batch.

As for the 100 vs. 100F thing on Velvia and Provia, the best I can figure out from reading the site information is that the "F" versions are supposed to be a very-high-contrast, very-high-color-saturation version. I haven't tried 100F, but I've shot Velvia 100 and loved it (and yes, I actually get slides back and view them on an old slide projector). You're probably right in that I may have to try the 100F stuff for myself (along with all the other films on my "to try" list, such as Velvia 50 and T64).
I myself don't mind a little grain, but working so close with C-41 for the last 20 years, I have found ways to slightly reduce grain. Always buy the good stuff from a good source. I have found that is it better to shoot S-400 with-in 2-3 months just before the out-of-date. Also, VERY important.... make sure your lab still uses control strips to monitor their chemicals.
I also shoot the film rated at 320 ISO. It likes that little over bump. But still make sure your exposures are right on. Any thing underexposed is a total waste, at least to me it is. I just like how rich the colors are with this film.

I do agree with gsgary......no more 200..............:grumpy:
"This is Fuji Superia 200 (just discontinued) shame"

Curious where you saw that Superia 200 is discontinued?
I called my distributor and he said .....it's the 36exp rolls that are gone, the 24exp rolls are still being produced, for now.
I called my distributor and he said .....it's the 36exp rolls that are gone, the 24exp rolls are still being produced, for now.

Thanks. Always amazes me how "Superia 200 is dead" comments originate when there's no evidence of it on Fujifilm USA or Fujifilm Canada's sites or at retailers. 36 exp rolls died quite some time ago.

Suspect Agfa Precisa is old plain vanilla Fuji Sensia--not Provia. Edge codes never lie.
I called my distributor and he said .....it's the 36exp rolls that are gone, the 24exp rolls are still being produced, for now.

Thanks. Always amazes me how "Superia 200 is dead" comments originate when there's no evidence of it on Fujifilm USA or Fujifilm Canada's sites or at retailers. 36 exp rolls died quite some time ago.

Suspect Agfa Precisa is old plain vanilla Fuji Sensia--not Provia. Edge codes never lie.

Edge say Fuji RAP
I called my distributor and he said .....it's the 36exp rolls that are gone, the 24exp rolls are still being produced, for now.

Thanks. Always amazes me how "Superia 200 is dead" comments originate when there's no evidence of it on Fujifilm USA or Fujifilm Canada's sites or at retailers. 36 exp rolls died quite some time ago.

Suspect Agfa Precisa is old plain vanilla Fuji Sensia--not Provia. Edge codes never lie.

Edge say Fuji RAP

So be it.

And the Superia 200?
I like Ektar 100 when i'm shooting slower film. It's so crisp and smooth. It almost reminds me of digital sometimes.. but still has that film look. For 400 speed, I usually alternate between Fuji 400h and Portra 400, depending on which is more expensive when I buy it.. but I think the 400h scans smoother.

I called my distributor and he said .....it's the 36exp rolls that are gone, the 24exp rolls are still being produced, for now.

Freestyle is still selling superia 200, 36 exp... although it's listed as "import"
I like Ektar 100 when i'm shooting slower film. It's so crisp and smooth. It almost reminds me of digital sometimes.. but still has that film look. For 400 speed, I usually alternate between Fuji 400h and Portra 400, depending on which is more expensive when I buy it.. but I think the 400h scans smoother.

I called my distributor and he said .....it's the 36exp rolls that are gone, the 24exp rolls are still being produced, for now.

Freestyle is still selling superia 200, 36 exp... although it's listed as "import"

I'm not a fan of those "import" films. The emulsion is not very consistent, even though it has the same batch number.

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