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Where do you order prints?


TPF Noob!
Mar 22, 2009
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Just curious where everyone orders their prints from? I'm looking for quality pictures to frame. I've order from Kodak and Snapfish, they've only been soso. How's Ritz?
I ordered a 20x30 from Adorama and it was excellent quality and a good price. It was packaged well also. I think the print was $18.00 for that size.
Ritz is only going to give you a machine print and the person printing it is just pushing buttons. Do you not have a pro lab in your area?

They have great quality and if you get a membership I think the prices go down. Not sure though I was a member before I ordered any. If your ordering any 4x6's I would recommend joining though because you get 50 free prints and a 1 year membership is only 24.95. Very awesome site. All my costumers like it too.
All of my serious photography friends order their prints from Mpix.com. Only hear good things about them.
I have been told Mpix, by almost every photographer I know (which is about 6 now) and on every forum I am on that people ask this question it Always comes up quick!
I do my prints at work, Ritz.

You do them online, yes, it's "pushing buttons" becuase the majority of it is through a different company, we just receive them to crank them out. However, if you swing by yourself, you have total control and if you don't want adjustments, we won't do adjustments, if you're unhappy, we'll adjust and reprint them for free until you're happy.

And for enlargements larger then 10x15, they're printed on epson 7800's with Epson's Premium 5 Star Luster.

Some of the Ritz locations give you an option for 10x15's to be printed on the Epson or the Fuji printers.

Ritz does great quality when you prime your file for printing, just like any other lab. I've made awesome 20x30's from our printers, and I saved a whole lot of money as opposed to doing it myself on essentially the same paper.

And have it done within an hour..
I let ExposureManager do some of my printing. Other work I send through a local pro lab known as Richmond Camera. They're quality is stellar, and prices are excellent. They deal nationally, but I don't know how shipping and turn around is from that far away. I suppose it's probably fine.

I've used Adorama in the past also.

I'd stay away from Ritz unless you're really caught for something last minute and you can go into one of the stores.
I've got a semi-pro place nearby, their quality is pretty good, and the girl that works behind the counter is hot, so I go there, ;)
mpix when have to deliver to client.
shutterfly and/or winkflash when for my self - just have to remind them to print as is, otherwise they tend to mess up.
I was looking at the MPIX site and saw that they offer 19 cent prints.
19¢ Prints
Sometimes you may just need proofs or you prefer to do your own color management. In these cases, color management is not necessary and our color technicians do not need to color manage your images. We incur a savings we will pass back to you

If I spend a lot of time working on the color at home and I have a calibrated monitor, would I want them to manage the color?


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