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What's your opinion of this contest winner?...


Damn You!
Jan 21, 2006
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Just found a link to this recent contest, where the winner (the first image you see) won $80,000!

My question to you is, was it deserving of the prize? I don't dislike the winning image but it makes me wonder what values the judges are using to determin the winner. I thought there were others there that were far more deserving, what do you think?

You can flick through the rest of the enteries using the next button.

Moran Contemporary Photographic Prize | Moran Contemporary Photographic Prize 2010 | News.com.au
The overall winner doesn't bother me too much but the 5 runners up are really lacking in my opinion. Oh well, to each his own.
Beats me too, possibly only 41 entries after looking through the lot, imo competitions all follow this format with mediocre photographs winning the big prizes, I reckon they get wittled down to the last few then the winner is drawn from the hat, to me its just a snap of bored ferry passengers taken by another bored passenger. H
I'm not sure how to look at it really haha

I've seen better pictures on here. $80,000 is a lot of money.
Just found a link to this recent contest, where the winner (the first image you see) won $80,000!

My question to you is, was it deserving of the prize? I don't dislike the winning image but it makes me wonder what values the judges are using to determin the winner. I thought there were others there that were far more deserving, what do you think?

You can flick through the rest of the enteries using the next button.

Moran Contemporary Photographic Prize | Moran Contemporary Photographic Prize 2010 | News.com.au

Not bad, but not particularly noteworthy.
Judged competitions are routinely rigged, and largely based on politics.
Most of those pictures fall into the category that I would throw out, if they were in my collection.

Judged competitions are routinely rigged, and largely based on politics.

I was shooting the judging of a large art show a couple years ago for a story and while I was there a judge literally turned over a frame to see who did the work and said, "oh, she enters every year. We need to give her a prize."

That day I decided I'd never enter work into that kind of contest.
Seriously $80,000!! Where in the world do you find these contests....lol And where the hell are they coming up w/ the money to sponsor it, w/ only 41 entries thats not enough money to cover that. It just all seems very wrong.

About the picture........ I also thought that there were other shots that were better but I wasn't a paid judge for the contest.
$80,000 Australian dollars ? What's that £10 ?

....I'm just jealous. :x I wasn't particularly impressed with a lot of the entries either which is interesting.
Yes, I think it deserved to win.
...I thought there were better ones on there than the winner.

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