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Whats your dream camera?

Rolleistef said:
oh yes.... why do you all want a digital camera? Or instant picture systems? (polaroid)
I took ONE photo with my Rollei today and was the happiest photographer in the World:lol::lol:

Film rules! :lol: Good for you, I get the same pleasure from clicking the shutter on any film camera, the older the better.

Have you ever considered joining http://www.apug.com ? It's a group dedicated entirely to film cameras, registering is free as well as posting. It's very, very informative.
that's a toughy. for portraits and/or fashion type stuff, a 1dsIII or something similar (if it ever comes out) and a 'giant polaroid' like someone mentioned before...i think they're just under 300lbs so it'd have to be a studio cam :). for photojournalism, an M7, f6, and 1dIIn. I'd love to have a nice 8x10 view cam also.
hobbes28 said:
MmMmMmMm.... Widelux... :drool:

hehehe. ya wuss!

Go the cirkut!!!

but seriously I'd settle for a widelux. Lot easier to get it developped.
Pentax ME Super (body only)

since my other one died, i'd like a new(er) one.
Here's this week's favourites.

Bessa R3... summicron 50, 35 and heliar 15mm

maybe a 21 leica too...
Mitica100 said:
Have you ever considered joining http://www.apug.com ? It's a group dedicated entirely to film cameras, registering is free as well as posting. It's very, very informative.
You might have better luck at http://www.apug.org... although I'm sure Asia Pacific Utilities Group is very informative about "supply chain management activities in the Asia Pacific region" :lol:
I'm happy with what i have

Canon 350D and Canon 1-n

I would just like some more equipment as I only really have one reasonable lens.
ZaphodB said:
You might have better luck at http://www.apug.org... although I'm sure Asia Pacific Utilities Group is very informative about "supply chain management activities in the Asia Pacific region" :lol:

:lmao: :lmao: :lmao:

Yeah, what's wrong with Asia Pacific??? :lmao: :lmao:

Sorry about that, I realized the mistake when Rolleistef PM'd me about it. Thanks for the correction though.

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