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What to do about spot?


TPF Noob!
Feb 19, 2012
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I bought a D7000 last August and when I got it there was a spot on the mirror of the body. It doesn't show up in photos but it is really annoying. How do I get rid of it?
I bought a D7000 last August and when I got it there was a spot on the mirror of the body. It doesn't show up in photos but it is really annoying. How do I get rid of it?

In your other thread.. you said you are in the "business"? Shooting pro?
Use a bulb blower. The mirror is kinda fragile, so you don't want to do much more than blow on it.

BTW - it will never show in your pictures - the mirror moves out of the way when the exposure is made. Annoying, yes. Affecting your pictures, no.

If you can see it in the viewfinder, it will not be on the pictures. Anything that does show up on the pictures (sensor dust) will not be visible in the viewfinder.
have you never removed your lens? did you know you could remove your lens?

the mirror is right there, under the lens...
have you never removed your lens? did you know you could remove your lens?

the mirror is right there, under the lens...


Obviously, he has removed the lens, since he has seen the mirror, and a spot on it...
You should NEVER blow on the mirror. Use a baby nose sucker thing (or the actual mirror cleaning tool) and suck IN the dot.
Why should you never blow on the mirror? Do you think the air pressure is going to knock it out of alignment? I mean, it's fragile, but not that fragile...
Why should you never blow on the mirror? Do you think the air pressure is going to knock it out of alignment? I mean, it's fragile, but not that fragile...

I wouldn't ever used compressed air.. but a handsqueezed Rocket or something... yea, do it all the time! :)
Why should you never blow on the mirror? Do you think the air pressure is going to knock it out of alignment? I mean, it's fragile, but not that fragile...

:er: Its not about the pressure, its about the fact you're just moving the speck, and probably other particles, around into your camera, rather than just sucking them out. There are also idiots who read "blow on the mirror" as use your mouth and "blow on the mirror" and now its covered in spittle and other yums.
Why should you never blow on the mirror? Do you think the air pressure is going to knock it out of alignment? I mean, it's fragile, but not that fragile...

:er: Its not about the pressure, its about the fact you're just moving the speck, and probably other particles, around into your camera
Or out of the camera.

I never said "blow on the mirror", I said "use a bulb blower". If people read that and then spit all over their mirror, it's their own fault.

I think the close proximity that a 'suction device' would have to be to the mirror presents a greater risk of damage than the relatively long working distance of using a blower.
Why should you never blow on the mirror? Do you think the air pressure is going to knock it out of alignment? I mean, it's fragile, but not that fragile...

There are also idiots who read "blow on the mirror" as use your mouth and "blow on the mirror" and now its covered in spittle and other yums.

You just made me spit water all over my Keyboard!
Bossy said:
:er: Its not about the pressure, its about the fact you're just moving the speck, and probably other particles, around into your camera, rather than just sucking them out. There are also idiots who read "blow on the mirror" as use your mouth and "blow on the mirror" and now its covered in spittle and other yums.

Now what if people just read "dont blow on your mirror use a baby nose sucker"? Now they are thinking instead of blowing with mouth use the nose sucker to blow on it - and they just happen to have a snotty nosed kid that they just used that nose sucker on? Instead of spit - they'd have yucky boogers all over their precious mirror!! J/K
have you never removed your lens? did you know you could remove your lens?

the mirror is right there, under the lens...


Obviously, he has removed the lens, since he has seen the mirror, and a spot on it...

i would imagine it is easier to notice the spot from the viewfinder.

if i were to notice a spot while swapping lenses, i would immediately pull out the blower and remove it.

it sounds like he has noticed it in the viewfinder, and wants to know how to get inside and remove it.

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