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What slideshow software can create a show/burn to disc/copyright protect?

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TPF Noob!
Feb 24, 2008
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Can others edit my Photos
Photos NOT OK to edit
Hi all I am brand new to this forum and will be posting many questions for you all in the coming days. I am just launching a new photography business. Photography has been a passion of mine for a long time and am now just starting to take picutres of other peoples kiddos (besides my own) and families. I would like this slideshow capability so customers can take a disc to work and show off and maybe get some word of mouth advertising. Any advice welcome.:mrgreen:

Title really says it all. I am looking to be able to create copyright protected slideshow (right click protected etc.) that I can burn to a disc and give to customer, so they can SHOW OFF my photos the their family and others. I have Photoshop CS2 but the slideshow you can create there is too simplistic for me. Side note, it has to be very user friendly.:lmao:
Understand one thing, if you can see it, hear it on a computer you can steal it. The best way I believe to protect your work and I have used it in graphic arts is this, http://www.digimarc.com/mypicturemarc/how-it-works/default.asp. Or one of the competing companies. Using any other method is just a minor annoyance for someone trying to steal your work. And even this has its flaws but it is beyond most to get around it, the other way anyone with any computer knowledge can steal it. Right click protect thats funny, just do a screen shot. I won't post any other methods so not to encourage thievery but that one is well known by even most newbies.

This is a good read, http://www.photographers.co.uk/html/digital-watermarking.cfm
" I am just launching a new photography business. Photography has been a passion of mine for a long time and am now just starting to take picutres of other peoples kiddos (besides my own) and families."

Sigh. "just starting to take picutres" and already launching a "business". Wow.
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