What could this be on the inner side of the front most element on my telephoto lens?


Been spending a lot of time on here!
Mar 13, 2024
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Australia Victoria
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I dont know what this is or if its affecting my shots, any ideas? Could it be some dislodged seal or something? Is it fungus?

Would it be a good call to get this serviced, what would you do?
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This would just be a basic service clean job? Pretty sure its just on the front most element. Any advice would be appreciated??

Is to far away from the sensor to have any affect?
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Gonna take the train to the city in the morning and get it serviced, had a look on google and it's definitely the start of some fungus growing.

$150 to $200 bugger!

Ps. Edit, 19 views and no input. Hmm.
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Feel let down here that no one tried to help with my lens issue, thx all.
Just noticed this thread now. If it's fungus, then it got wet and/or you have high humidity where your gear is stored. Better deal with that issue because all your gear could get fungus, including the newly-cleaned lens.

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