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What cam setup for undercover shots?


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Jan 30, 2012
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Casino security stopped me from taking pix of the gamblers in action. Anyone have a setup for shooting pix from a camera hanging around my neck or off the shoulder?

Considering how hot Casino security tend to be with regard to cheaters and the like I suspect you'll fast find yourself barred if you push the issue and try to be even more sneaky; asides which most of the photos such a setup would give would be, well, snapshot random.

If you really just want to take photos in there you could always consider approaching them and asking permission - maybe offer to let them use the photos for promotion or other similar uses.
I have to agree with Over on this. Casinos take security very seriously, and you'll be flirting with danger if you push it, BUt, if you do, you could try something like this.
You could attach a PocketWizard and have it just sit in your pocket with the camera around your neck. Trigger via the other PW in your hand/other pocket.
I have to agree with Over on this. Casinos take security very seriously, and you'll be flirting with danger if you push it, BUt, if you do, you could try something like this.

Yeah. This sounds like an excellent way to get your legs broken.
First, I was not aware that cams could be used to take photographs.

Second, that is a really bad idea. The casino is private property and since the owner does not want you to take photographs of its customers why are you pursuing it and trying to be sneaky about it as well? Monumental lack of respect is what I think. But what do I know? I'm just a responsible adult with respect for the rights and wishes of others.
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Monumental lack of respect, or he's going to sneak a camera in the lady's locker room at the YMCA.

Either way :thumbdown:
Thing is you can be as arty as you want, but if casino security see you with a hidden camera they'll assume one thing - that you're using it to cheat (and I bet most are pretty good at spotting it too). That means not only will they likely bar you, but that others in the same town will bar you as well and they likely will press charges as opposed to just asking you to leave.
How long can you hold your breath under water?
Great way to end up in the back room with your hand smashed with a ball peen hammer. Think that stuff don't happen anymore? heh.

I concur with the upfront approach. Otherwise they are going to assume you are cheating, and um...yeah,
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Get a chemical film camera. You cant see the results until weeks later. That should diffuse any suspicion that you want to cheat.
Ask permission, give them a copy of the photos on one of their machines before you leave. Let them know that the idea of letting you shoot photos in the casino gives them an advantage to possibly catch cheaters in the act. Emphasize that you are not there to play, but only to shoot.

People only restrict your camera use if they distrust your intentions. If you make your intentions very clear, you're golden.

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