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Went to the San Francisco Zoo


No longer a newbie, moving up!
Jan 24, 2024
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Northern California
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I went to this zoo mainly to see exotic birds and big cats but the birds had been quarantined due to the avian flu virus going around, and the lions were not out either as they, a male and a female, had not become acquainted well enough to be out together. So I got these shots instead.

Meerkat edited resized.jpg

Pink flower edited.jpg

Two ducks edited resized.jpg

Mandrill edited.jpg
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Nice shots! I haven't been out there in a long time. I was thinking of visiting the Oakland Zoo since I'm so close, but just haven't gotten to it yet.
Nice shots! I haven't been out there in a long time. I was thinking of visiting the Oakland Zoo since I'm so close, but just haven't gotten to it yet.
Thanks! I wasn't very impressed with SF Zoo as many of the exibits were either closed for one reason or another, or completely abandoned altogether. Interesting that you mention Oakland Zoo as I will be going there on Monday. I contacted them about closed exibits and they assured me that all are open, so we'll see what kind of shots are available there.
I used to love going to a zoo to photograph animals. Anymore though the closest zoo is simply to far off and in the city of Portland and I don't go to Portland!
It is so much fun to take pictures at the zoo. It is a target rich place for sure.
Nice selection! No.3 is fabulous.
Nice ones.

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