Well $%$#

Ive had exactly one card error since 2002 and it was caused by an issue with the camera (which was fixed by a recall). I've even had cards go through the laundry with no files lost. Most of my cards are Sandisk but the Kodaks and Lexars haven't had any issues either. I generally swap the battery out at 30% charge remaining as low battery can certainly cause a write error. Low battery charge can also be an issue if you are transferring files directly from camera to computer. I always use a reader to avoid that issue.
I've only had one failure as well, that was due to getting caught in a sudden down pour 6 miles from the trail head. Of course it ruined the whole camera as well.
I've only had one failure as well, that was due to getting caught in a sudden down pour 6 miles from the trail head. Of course it ruined the whole camera as well.
That's why I buy Oly/OM cameras/lenses. On the other hand I don't meander much in the wilderness anymore.
@ACS64 as sometimes happen I think it was a culmination of the perfect storm. Low battery in camera, bad card reader, and possibly, deleting images in camera without formatting the card. I checked a few cards that I knew were good and got file errors when using my card reader, no such errors from replacement reader. Camera battery charged, card formatted, new reader, everything seems good now.
@ACS64 as sometimes happen I think it was a culmination of the perfect storm. Low battery in camera, bad card reader, and possibly, deleting images in camera without formatting the card. I checked a few cards that I knew were good and got file errors when using my card reader, no such errors from replacement reader. Camera battery charged, card formatted, new reader, everything seems good now.
For the second time this year, an SD card crapped out on me. Just like the last time, I put the card in the reader, it first came up, then it went wonky, then it gave me a file not recognized then, format card. Fortunately there weren't many images on it this time. After the first time I threw out the SD card, bought new cards, and a new reader. I reformatted the card now works fine again????? It's really a bummer not knowing what is causing it.
Sorry to hear about your SD card issues—definitely a bummer when that happens, especially if you're losing important images. Since you've already replaced your cards and reader, it sounds like you’ve taken solid steps, but there are a few other things you might want to consider:

  1. Card Quality: Even new cards can have manufacturing defects. Make sure you're buying from reputable brands (SanDisk, Lexar, etc.) and avoid off-brand or unverified cards, especially from online marketplaces where counterfeits are common.
  2. Card Formatting: Always format your SD card in-camera, not on your computer. Some formatting inconsistencies between devices can cause cards to act up. Regularly formatting the card after transferring files also helps maintain it in good condition.
  3. Avoid Overfilling: Filling the card to maximum capacity often leads to corruption. Try to leave some space on the card, especially if it’s older or has been heavily used.
  4. Card Reader or Port Issues: Even with a new reader, the card slot on your computer or the reader itself can cause issues. Try using a different USB port or a different computer if the problem persists.
  5. Heat and Moisture: Environmental factors like excessive heat or humidity can damage SD cards. Ensure you're storing them in a dry, stable environment.
If the problem keeps happening with different cards and readers, it might be worth checking the camera's card slot for any issues. Hope this helps and you don’t lose any more images!
Never had a card issue, and never remove cards from either camera...always delete images while cards are in camera...go figure...
@Ronaldalli up until the the two recent failures I never had a problem for years. Maybe I was an accident waiting to happen, because I ever really paid much attention to cards. @Stic2 I constantly deleted images from the card in camera and in computer, rarely formatted, if I did it was usually at computer, like you I never had a problem.

The new cards I bought are Lexar Pro, I discovered by accident that Lexar has a free file recovery tool, you can download it here. Downloads | Lexar I tried it on one of the Lexar cards that had been reformatted, surprisingly it recovered a large percentage of the images. Haven't tried it on other brands.

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