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Weird artifacts on developed film


TPF Noob!
Jan 14, 2023
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Hi all,
I'm having a strange issue with my film, a 120 roll of portra 400, that I bought a month and a bit ago. The roll had not been expired and was kept in a fridge prior to me buying it.
I shot some photos at 6x9 with my Zeiss Ikon Nettar 515/2 (if not this, it's an extremely similar model) from- likely- the 1930s. Aside from the shutter seizing up, forcing me to operate the mechanism that lifts the 'hammer' by hand, everything seemed fine. But, when I got my scanned negatives back, I noticed horizontal lines and heavy light leakages.
The bellows of this camera are made of leather and after some inspection, I did find some small light leakages but they don't line up with where they appear on the camera. Weirder still, is that theres also horizontal lines on the first couple of shots and they dont appear on any of the other photos (unless I'm not looking hard enough). I've brightened the first one up firstly so it's clear enough and secondly so that the line is more visible. 2nd and 3rd show it but it's more to prove the point

Is it possible my roll was a dud in terms of the horizontal line or would the developing or even the camera to blame? Also, regarding the light leakage on the 4th shot, would that be the fault of my camera or developing? 5 also seems to have that issue but strangely to a lesser extent, despite being in a brighter area.
5: 000036730001_###

I really don't want to put in another roll without knowing if my camera needs a repair or not.

Many thanks,
I have some other exposures from an East German Orwo np22 roll but I'm not sure if what I'm trying to describe will show up on those as they're 40 years old. I'll put them up on Flickr if someone asks.
Moreover, both the np22 and portra 400 were developed at Rewind Photo Lab; and my previous portra 160 roll from their lab came back wonderfully.
Thanks again for your time,
If you see the line in the negative then it looks to me your camera has a light leak at the door (horizontal line) as well as the bellows you mentioned. If the line is not in the negative it could be the scan. I'm 99.99% sure it was not the film itself.
I would also say there are light leaks. Could be from the pinhole in the bellows but if the seals are degrading, it could be from the back as well. Check the negatives for the lines - could be a physical scratch from advancing the film, maybe?
Look at the negatives themselves. If there's a light leak, it may well show up on the parts that don't contain the image.
If you see the line in the negative then it looks to me your camera has a light leak at the door (horizontal line) as well as the bellows you mentioned. If the line is not in the negative it could be the scan. I'm 99.99% sure it was not the film itself.
Yep, I'm going to seal them with some superglue+yarn and liquid electrical tape respectively
I would also say there are light leaks. Could be from the pinhole in the bellows but if the seals are degrading, it could be from the back as well. Check the negatives for the lines - could be a physical scratch from advancing the film, maybe?
Yeah bellows are leather and real old, I'll be sealing em with liquid electrical tape. As for the theory of the line being a scratch, I'll have to confirm with the negatives but they look a lot more like light leaks to me, as they bear a similar colour to the one on photo 4

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