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Wedding Photography Suggestions

Oct 7, 2010
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Hello All!

I am new to the forum. I am going to be shooting my first wedding tomorrow and am looking for suggestions. I am attending a wedding today and will be practicing and collecting ideas. I recognize that shooting a wedding alone, for the first time, is not ideal, especially after never photographing as a second shooter, but I feel confident in my abilities. I wish I had more lenses to work with though. I'm just looking for pointers and advice. :)


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Your going to get some stick, what camera and lenses do you have to use, better to have 2 bodies so your not have to swop lenses if i shot weddings i would use a 24-70F2.8L one one body and a 70-200F2.8L and both bodies would be full frame, a flash is a must for wedding photography
I have a 5d Mark II along with a 24-105mm f/4L and 50mm f/1.8 II. I have a 70-300mm on the way. I also have a canon t1i that I will have a lens on. I will bring along my old canon xt as well just in case.

I also have a canon speedlite 430ex II and an older quar. Flash as well.
Looks like your good to go, as long as you can people manage, are confident, know your gear inside out and provide an excellent end result, its no big deal, have fun and post a few up when its over, no doubt the critique mob will have a field day. H
The link below may be of some help....
Wedding Photography 101 - Tutorials

Check out the tutorials on the right sidebar of this link, particularly about flash techniques. Bounced flash is your friend....

If you plan on doing a lot of weddings, the lenses gsgary suggested, I would also recommend.

Wear comfortable shoes with non-slip soles, you're going to have a long day on your feet, and have fun!!
At least you got a back up gear :)~
Just have a great time. first time I shot a job my self, I shot extra 10 rolls then needed to but been there every since. :)
Keep some snack bars and a bottle of water in your pocket because you won't have much time for anything else
Keep some snack bars and a bottle of water in your pocket because you won't have much time for anything else
Hopefully there's a meal at the reception for the photographer, at least every wedding I've ever done I've gotten fed well. Generally while people eating you aren't snapping pictures anyhow.

OP is probably at the wedding already, but.....
One other suggestion is if you have a bag of gear, leave it near the DJ at the reception and let him know you've put it there. It's less likely to go missing with someone that wanders in. DJ can help give you a heads up for things that are going to happen also.
Keep some snack bars and a bottle of water in your pocket because you won't have much time for anything else
Hopefully there's a meal at the reception for the photographer, at least every wedding I've ever done I've gotten fed well. Generally while people eating you aren't snapping pictures anyhow.

OP is probably at the wedding already, but.....
One other suggestion is if you have a bag of gear, leave it near the DJ at the reception and let him know you've put it there. It's less likely to go missing with someone that wanders in. DJ can help give you a heads up for things that are going to happen also.

Personally I'm not there to be fed and tell them when booking I'll not be eating/drinking, I normally have something to drink, like lemonade, while they eat.

Rely on the DJ or anyone else to look after your gear and your a complete muppet, if I take an assistant its their job, on my own I carry the lot on my person so the only person walking off with my gear is me, I've lost nothing yet. H
Personally I'm not there to be fed and tell them when booking I'll not be eating/drinking, I normally have something to drink, like lemonade, while they eat.

Rely on the DJ or anyone else to look after your gear and your a complete muppet, if I take an assistant its their job, on my own I carry the lot on my person so the only person walking off with my gear is me, I've lost nothing yet. H
Maybe the UK is different in respect to being provided a meal versus the US. Most if not all weddings I've done, the photographer, videographer, and DJ partake in a meal when the guests are served. This is consistent and customary as to what other photographers that I know do as well.

The weddings I do are mostly solo. While I do carry a fair amount of my gear on my person, a couple of backup cameras, lenses, and flashes are kept in a bag. You may consider one a "muppet" to leave your gear aside the DJ, but of all places to leave a bag, stashed behind where the DJ is, is probably the safest if there is no other alternative.

While the way you and I do things may differ and each of us has ways that work for us, its really up to the individual photographer to develop his/her own working methods from ideas on these forums.
It's 10/11, and the wedding was yesterday.

So, MichelleMariePhotos, how did it go?

At this juncture:

The wedding went well! I had no issues with my cameras, but was happy that I brought along all of the extras for piece of mind. I did, however, end up breaking my shoe...so I'll bring extras of those next time. :lol:

Here are some shots from the day. This was my first wedding. I am new to the game, although I am sure that won't stop the harsh criticism of my work. :wink:






The wedding went well! I had no issues with my cameras, but was happy that I brought along all of the extras for piece of mind. I did, however, end up breaking my shoe...so I'll bring extras of those next time. :lol:

Shoe-wise, I usually wear black flats throughout the day. Super comfortable, and don't have to worry about breaking anything! :)
Personally I'm not there to be fed and tell them when booking I'll not be eating/drinking, I normally have something to drink, like lemonade, while they eat.

Rely on the DJ or anyone else to look after your gear and your a complete muppet, if I take an assistant its their job, on my own I carry the lot on my person so the only person walking off with my gear is me, I've lost nothing yet. H
Maybe the UK is different in respect to being provided a meal versus the US. Most if not all weddings I've done, the photographer, videographer, and DJ partake in a meal when the guests are served. This is consistent and customary as to what other photographers that I know do as well.

The weddings I do are mostly solo. While I do carry a fair amount of my gear on my person, a couple of backup cameras, lenses, and flashes are kept in a bag. You may consider one a "muppet" to leave your gear aside the DJ, but of all places to leave a bag, stashed behind where the DJ is, is probably the safest if there is no other alternative.

While the way you and I do things may differ and each of us has ways that work for us, its really up to the individual photographer to develop his/her own working methods from ideas on these forums.

There was a thread not too long back where someone had his gear and cards nicked at a wedding, I find other people working a wedding are in a similar situation to me, they're too busy, especially to watch my gear full time.

The eating bit I refuse all offers as after I eat I feel like a little nap rather than bending/stretching/climbing/running around with slr's around my neck, its my choice as I'm always asked but usually prefer the time to wind down with a cool drink, change out cards/check batteries etc, I also get a bit keyed up in the first half so I try to chill a bit before it restarts. H
Wow. I think that's the least someone has ever been flamed for a "Shooting my first wedding" post.

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