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Water on my Window

412 Burgh said:
Thanks, wasn't sure if it was too played out or not, but I thought I'd ask for some CC or Share

The colors are on point and the clarity in the water drops is great! You shoot with a D3100 right? I was looking at Canon but now I'm seeing some really good things from Nikon.. I'm in the market for my first dslr but I'm hesitating lol.
The colors are on point and the clarity in the water drops is great! You shoot with a D3100 right? I was looking at Canon but now I'm seeing some really good things from Nikon.. I'm in the market for my first dslr but I'm hesitating lol.

Truth be told, either brand is more than capable of taking this image. Even other brands, such as Pentax, Sony, etc.
412 Burgh said:
Thanks, wasn't sure if it was too played out or not, but I thought I'd ask for some CC or Share

The colors are on point and the clarity in the water drops is great! You shoot with a D3100 right? I was looking at Canon but now I'm seeing some really good things from Nikon.. I'm in the market for my first dslr but I'm hesitating lol.

It's not about the camera :)
Oooh I like it! I totally have an obsession with water. You should try to see that for stock!
Oooh I like it! I totally have an obsession with water. You should try to see that for stock!

how would I go about doing that?

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