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TPF Noob!
Jul 26, 2003
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I just registered at this forum...haven't seen too much yet, but it seems to be quite interesting here :D
My name's Sylvia and I'm a 19-year old girl from Germany.
I love to take photos, but I'm far away from being a good photographer. I just have a quite cheap digital camera and that's all...can't afford anything better.
Well, I might come back here more often :wink:
Oh, I have a personal website where I have all my photos....if you want, take a look at it
Welcome newish here myself but the people here are nicer than all get out. Pull up a chair, drinks in the frig, and I dont think you are supposed to open the darkroom door. :)
Hi there welcome! :)

Cool website :)

I'm still kinda newish myself too, but I can tell you now
you joined a cool bunch of people :)
8) thanks for the warm welcome....yeah, you guys really seem to be a bunch of cool people
I love your 2 websites

who designed them? cuz I'll be needing a website meself soon
welcome!!! im new here too and i visited this forum more than checking my email now. :wink:
'bout the websites - I designed them.
From where in Holland are you? I used to live in Holland and I'm moving to Holland again next month.
really? cool!

dus je kan wel een beetje Nederlands spreken neem ik aan??

I live in a place just above Amsterdam

where are u gonna live?
ja hoor, tuurlijk spreek ik een beetje Nederlands ;)

Ik heb in Spijkenisse (in de buurt van Rotterdam) gewoond en ga nu naar Groningen.

hehe....Holland is a cool country 8) ...I'm moving there because I'm going to study there...
Welcome Destiny!
Chase will be along soon with your disco diva boogie

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