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Trying out the new lens


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Jan 17, 2017
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Recently picked up a used Nikon AF-S f4 300mm prime from ebay, chap was really nice and ended up following him on flickr. Recently moved house so I've not really had time to get out and use it.

1. Herring gull portrait
Herring gull portrait by Mark Coull, on Flickr

2. Parent not impressed
The parent doesn't look impressed by Mark Coull, on Flickr

3. Herring gull in flight (yes his bottom wing is close to the end of the frame).
Herring gull in flight by Mark Coull, on Flickr

4. Evening glow
Evening glow by Mark Coull, on Flickr

5. Kittiwake in flight
Kittiwake in flight by Mark Coull, on Flickr

6. Change of direction
Change of direction by Mark Coull, on Flickr

7. Everyone in for a hug
Everyone in for a cuddle! by Mark Coull, on Flickr

If you haven't already guessed these were taken at my regular stomping ground, RSPB Fowlsheugh. It is really good seeing the seabirds growing up.
Looks like you and the new lens are getting along well.
Nice images. I have rented a Canon 400mm f/5.6 and a 1.4x TC for this weekend. Looking forward to going to pick it up this afternoon and shoot with it.
Nice images. I have rented a Canon 400mm f/5.6 and a 1.4x TC for this weekend. Looking forward to going to pick it up this afternoon and shoot with it.
The 400mm f/5.6 is a great lens i think you will enjoy using it
Nice images. I have rented a Canon 400mm f/5.6 and a 1.4x TC for this weekend. Looking forward to going to pick it up this afternoon and shoot with it.
The 400mm f/5.6 is a great lens i think you will enjoy using it

That's what I'm scared of. lol. No, it would be a nice lens for some of the stuff I do, but I really need the 300 or 400 f/2.8 for football. The lighting just isn't good enough to use the 5.6.
Nice images. I have rented a Canon 400mm f/5.6 and a 1.4x TC for this weekend. Looking forward to going to pick it up this afternoon and shoot with it.
The 400mm f/5.6 is a great lens i think you will enjoy using it

That's what I'm scared of. lol. No, it would be a nice lens for some of the stuff I do, but I really need the 300 or 400 f/2.8 for football. The lighting just isn't good enough to use the 5.6.
oh ya i forgot you are not a wildlife photographer it is a great lens for wildlife it could be good for outside sports but not inside an arena Etc.
lol, I try to shoot wildlife from time to time, but it's not my main thing. The lighting for the football fields around here just aren't lit well enough for even a 300 f/4 and my crop sensor. I CAN shoot it but I don't care for the images that I get with it.

I keep telling the wife I need a 1Dx mk II and a 400mm f/2.8 as my main gear and I can use the 7D mk II and the 70-200mm f/2.8 and 24-70mm f/2.8 as my secondary system.
Nice images. I have rented a Canon 400mm f/5.6 and a 1.4x TC for this weekend. Looking forward to going to pick it up this afternoon and shoot with it.

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