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Triple train track fatality kills three teen girls


Mr. Rain Cloud
Jul 23, 2009
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Must be that thrill of cheating death, like running with the bulls, jumping off cliffs, skydiving, etc. Sometimes death wins, which seems to be the attraction.
I feel for the families of the girls and the workers on the train.

I've seen to many people play stupid games with their lives. Alway makes me wonder if why you would risk so much for such a stupid reason.
I honestly think people just do not even think about a train ever occupying the same space as they occupy. Just a weird thing, like one of the many on the former TV program "1,000 Ways to Die". Just going along, doing their thing, and then Boom!...the end.
People don't think a train can sneak up on them.
It's huge, makes a lot of noise and is dead easy to spot. The idea that it can move with such blinding speed to the point where its there one moment and gone the next; the idea that it can make so much noise that it drowns out another whole train etc... Most people don't work with nor around trains - they see them at the station and the road crossing and that's it. Both controlled environments where you don't have to do any thinking about the train - the warning lights and announcer do all that for you.

And you still get people jump the barriers because "Gah its not even here yet I can make it"

Heck we make mistakes like this ALL the time in cars too. Humans are, I think, not designed to think in speeds above 30mph (considering that's about our fastest and even then only in a sprint for a few moments). So judging speeds and reaction times becomes a lot harder and we are more apt to make mistakes.
So horrible for everyone involved. I've seen a few stories where the victims are caught by surprise by a train coming in the opposite direction. The noise from one definitely drowns out the other. Just terrible for their families. So pointless.
Very Sad the poor families lives destroyed forever. I will never stand on the tracks or cross them, even if I see nothing coming both ways, I just don't do it.Trains come up on you real quick and its just way to easy to get focused on something else and become unaware of the danger.My heart goes out to these families,Losing your kids is just unthinkable.
I've been trying to find a more complete reporting of this. The local TV station does not report it, there is no date associated with this story,

(edit) I found it. October 16, 2011.
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I am amazed how much this happens. Tragic.
We all have our Geez, that was stupid to one degree or another moments.

The train engineers suffer a lot of emotional trauma too.
It's said that any train engineer having a 30 year career can expect to be involved in at least 3 train pedestrian fatality incidents.

And that's not counting people in vehicles that ignore grade crossing warnings, or that get their vehicle stuck on the tracks in various ways.
I won't link to videos of fatal incidents.

Next time someone starts another thread about trespassing to get a photo a link to this thread should be posted. It amazes me how many people either don't know or don't care that railroad property is regulated property and that it is illegal to trespass on railroad property.
Railroad grade crossings make it legal to be on railroad property.
Some grade crossings have mechanical devices intended to block access to the crossing. Some don't have those mechanical devices and only have flashing lights.
Many rural grade crossings don't even have lights, just signage:
railroad crossing sign - Yahoo Image Search Results

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