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Tree's and Fountains


TPF Noob!
Aug 12, 2013
Reaction score
United States
Can others edit my Photos
Photos OK to edit
Story behind these is i was in Dallas, Tx for vacation and was walking through the Arboretum and saw some kids playing in the fountain so i decided to snap a couple pictures.
Equipment: Sony Cybershot DSC-HX200v
Editing: None, just filters on the camera
Expierence: None
PLEASE critique all you like and let me know how you would do the shot different or how i could have made it better. The way the filter on the camera works is you have to set the exp, iso and shutter speed on the fly when shooting b&w so it can sometimes be hard to get it 'just right'





This one was me walking downtown Dallas and spotted this pigeon. Everytime i got to close to it it would start running so i had to keep my distance and be zoomed in almost full so i think when you view the picture bigger you will see that it is blurry somewhat and not super crisp.



Hi mate, that's still a lot of photos to critique, but here are my thoughts:
1 crop disembodied arm out
2 unsure if subject is the people or trees
3 needs to be symmetrial
4 same as 2
5 bin
6 bin
7 is ok, a bit meh but ok. Mibbies crop out the black on the LHS
8 too close, head and feet should be in the frame and not cropped off
Thank you! What does bin mean?

Sent from my HTC One X using Tapatalk 4
Thank you for your suggestions Pete. I definitely see everything your talking about.

Sent from my HTC One X using Tapatalk 4

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