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Tornado Jay


No longer a newbie, moving up!
Sep 19, 2011
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Took an Idea with my brother in law and ran with it, turned out ok...I think it could of been better but with a quick project it turned out really well.

Tornado Jay


good stuff...but um...wouldn't the kid be pulled toward the tornado? lol
Yes and no, the tornado was approaching, it was windy and the trees were blowing in that direction so I just adjusted to the environment

Thanks guys for the comments
Yes and no, the tornado was approaching, it was windy and the trees were blowing in that direction so I just adjusted to the environment

Thanks guys for the comments

I was just playin', attempting humor. I never been in a tornado so I wouldn't know. I would imagine the wind would be all sorts of crazy in a storm like that.
hahaha yes it would and I would hate to be in it :)
Here is a quick before and After pic


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