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Been spending a lot of time on here!
Jun 3, 2010
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The crazy bokeh is from the fence I was shooting through :(

Tigers are damn hard to photograph in b&w, their camo is blending with vegetation too much and there is very little of dof with long lenses. This tiger doesn't look too happy, visibly it is hot and he is in need of swim in really cool water. That would also help him with geting rid of the swarm of flies clinging to his smell. :lol: Poor tiger.
Tigers are damn hard to photograph in b&w, their camo is blending with vegetation too much and there is very little of dof with long lenses. This tiger doesn't look too happy, visibly it is hot and he is in need of swim in really cool water. That would also help him with geting rid of the swarm of flies clinging to his smell. :lol: Poor tiger.

He actually jumped into his pond about two minutes later. I actually choose to go b&w because I liked how he just blends away into the background. He really stood out in the color version. I'm not sure though. For some reason I like how his face its the only part standing out in b&w.

Shot with the 135 f2 ais.
You can see now, how different perception of other people can be. The sticking out tongue threw me off, and that are no flies but water droplets. I just have completely different impression about the subject.
You can see now, how different perception of other people can be. The sticking out tongue threw me off, and that are no flies but water droplets. I just have completely different impression about the subject.

Those are flies. He jumped in just after this. It was 90 degrees and humid that day though.

Perception is key in all parts of life.

Honestly. I'm very turn about the concept of zoos. I mean it's just one tiger, but Damnit he should have a vast wilderness in front of him, not me.

The joy of seeing my sons reactions to all these animals he loves makes it worthwhile.
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You have to visit Dresden zoo, many animals have huge spaces of many acres.
You have to visit Dresden zoo, many animals have huge spaces of many acres.

In the Zoo's defense it is a small local and free zoo. Maintained by mostly volunteers and donations.

I like the much larger Minnesota Zoo but it costs too much for my income.

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