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"The Wave" pano

julian kalmar

TPF Noob!
Dec 17, 2007
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fantastic shot!!!
love it
Man, that's cool! Where is it?
Interesting, nice grab. Very even lighting & focus. Pano or crop? Cloudy day in Southern Utah, or Arizona?

Interesting, nice grab. Very even lighting & focus. Pano or crop? Cloudy day in Southern Utah, or Arizona?

I shot this at lunch time because then the Wave is completely lighted be the sun but there were heavy clouds in front of the wave ( you can see this on my homepage in the USA Directory. this shot is made from 3 images
what is that?
Very nice shot Julian. How far is the hike to get to the wave?
This depends very much on how much you are looking around wile walking to the place
My wife and I walked 2 hours from the parking area to the Wave and walking back took us only 50 minutes. ( there has been an upcoming thunderstorm that`s why we really hurried up)
That is amazing! I am going to try to get to see that
Very nice shot!
Have you seen the Epson Stylus r2400 ad campaign? They have used almost exactly the same shot. When i first saw it on a billboard i though it was yours!Just hunted through the threads to find this haha

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