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The Snow and the Beach!


TPF Noob!
May 25, 2010
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Here are two of my photos from recently.


By xfish7 at 2011-01-29
I went to the beach for New Years, although it was cold I had fun.


By xfish7 at 2011-01-29
Just a few weeks ago there was a heavy snow. I took this one on a film camera, it kind of created a cool effect.


By xfish7 at 2011-01-29
Well, I guess this one is okay


By xfish7 at 2011-01-29
I took this one right after it snowed, It was about 1 in the morning, and cold.

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I like the composition of #1 a lot. If you could straighten, and maybe crop it a bit it would be a winner.
the liked the 4th one most , the effect of light is wonderful....
thanks, I over exposed it a little but that was what i was aiming for
number 4s great. The light gives a really nice effect, seems like fire/explosion which contrasts to the snow. Really nice :)
Since #1 is so dead center, I think I'd like to see it cropped such that it's symmetrical.

To be honest, none of the other three really do anything for me.
I like the look of the first one.. cool effect.

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