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The Peaks of Mont Saint-Michel


TPF Noob!
Nov 11, 2011
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[/URL] The Peaks of Mont Saint-Michel by lee demers, on Flickr[/IMG]
Little coffee morning bump
That's disorienting in a very cool kind of way. I wish I knew enough about black and white treatments to be able to speak knowledgeably about it. I think I wish the background was darker but not the foreground. But I could be wrong able that. LOL, there's some wishy washy C&C for you. ;)
I wish there was more contrast--As it is, this is a very dreary image..
That's disorienting in a very cool kind of way. I wish I knew enough about black and white treatments to be able to speak knowledgeably about it. I think I wish the background was darker but not the foreground. But I could be wrong able that. LOL, there's some wishy washy C&C for you. ;)

Thank you for the CC, and I think you're on to something by making the background a little darker.

I wish there was more contrast--As it is, this is a very dreary image..

When you mention the contrast, do you mean with the back ground? I agree with you that it is a dreary image. It was a very dreary day. I like the mood it sets with 1000 year old castle, I find myself thinking back at how life could have been back then.

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