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I admit I wasnt going to express what I really thought about this set.. but lately you have been making personal attack toward me. Seriously though.. I am a guy... I dont want to be posed like this. I feel like an old man posed sitting down like that.
You two are getting funnier by the minute!

Modern psychologists say that you'll eventually mature and grow out of this butthurt stage, so don't worry about it; Just keep being yourselves, and it'll all work out for you eventually. :thumbup:;)
I'm a girl and this issue started over on another thread and then the spite spilled over here. Yes that's right I called it spite.
Buckster, again... I am trying to be civil, and act my age. I have not insulted your photography, or your style of shooting. Just the choice in backdrop. Am I not allowed to show disapproval of that? If there's anyone who's acting butthurt, it appears to be you. I haven't thrown an insult your way, or acted immature. I am trying to resolve, and not be a dingus as I sometimes can be.

Why can't you show me the same respect?
I'm a girl and this issue started over on another thread and then the spite spilled over here. Yes that's right I called it spite.
Yeah, try as they might to act all innocent about it, they're totally obvious in their intent. Oh well, they can't help it, so they have my sympathy.
Have you ever considered that I might actually be genuinely trying to resolve conflict and be nice towards you? Because that's what I am doing right now. I am just trying to understand you, Buckster. There is no ulterior motive at all. I came into this thread, provided C&C, asked why you took Schwetty's C&C offensively, and I get nothing but disrespect from you. Why can't you join me in being an adult?
Tyler, he is right. My intent was to insult him. I just hope people have seen the other threads where he insulted me.

Schwetty out (fauxtographer)
o hey tyler said:
Have you ever considered that I might actually be genuinely trying to resolve conflict and be nice towards you? Because that's what I am doing right now. I am just trying to understand you, Buckster. There is no ulterior motive at all. I came into this thread, provided C&C, asked why you took Schwetty's C&C offensively, and I get nothing but disrespect from you. Why can't you join me in being an adult?

Tyler, FWIW my takeaway was a knee jerk reaction to a comment on another thread as a result of a reaction to a shhtty thing to say.

In not trying to take sides but for heavens sake this is very sad.

Schwetty said something shhtty and Buck said hey that's not in good spirit.

Schwetty came here to lambaste Bucks photo session in spite and retaliation.

There, now you know the what and the how. From my point if view.
Tyler, he is right. My intent was to insult him. I just hope people have seen the other threads where he insulted me.

Schwetty out (fauxtographer)

Okay, well that may have been your intent... and you two have long standing "e-beef." But my intent was NOT to insult Buckster. Yet I am still treated as such. I have seen the other threads, but that is between you two. It's a shame that Buckster can't differentiate between that and treat me with at least a little bit of respect, as I have been doing throughout the thread.

I really want to know Buck, what can I do to not offend you in the future? Can I not provide C&C for your images even though it's honest, and civil C&C, without you getting mad at me?
o hey tyler said:
Have you ever considered that I might actually be genuinely trying to resolve conflict and be nice towards you? Because that's what I am doing right now. I am just trying to understand you, Buckster. There is no ulterior motive at all. I came into this thread, provided C&C, asked why you took Schwetty's C&C offensively, and I get nothing but disrespect from you. Why can't you join me in being an adult?

Tyler, FWIW my takeaway was a knee jerk reaction to a comment on another thread as a result of a reaction to a shhtty thing to say.

In not trying to take sides but for heavens sake this is very sad.

Schwetty said something shhtty and Buck said hey that's not in good spirit.

Schwetty came here to lambaste Bucks photo session in spite and retaliation.

There, now you know the what and the how. From my point if view.

What you've said thus far has not aided in the resolution of conflict on my end.
o hey tyler said:
What you've said thus far has not aided in the resolution of conflict on my end.

I think the timing all the way around has not been good. Sorry about that.. Hopefully this all settles down soon and we all go back to having a nice day.
o hey tyler said:
Have you ever considered that I might actually be genuinely trying to resolve conflict and be nice towards you? Because that's what I am doing right now. I am just trying to understand you, Buckster. There is no ulterior motive at all. I came into this thread, provided C&C, asked why you took Schwetty's C&C offensively, and I get nothing but disrespect from you. Why can't you join me in being an adult?

Tyler, FWIW my takeaway was a knee jerk reaction to a comment on another thread as a result of a reaction to a shhtty thing to say.

In not trying to take sides but for heavens sake this is very sad.

Schwetty said something shhtty and Buck said hey that's not in good spirit.

Schwetty came here to lambaste Bucks photo session in spite and retaliation.

There, now you know the what and the how. From my point if view.

What you've said thus far has not aided in the resolution of conflict on my end.
The resolution you purportedly seek is to simply let it go, as I'd already done immediately following our little tif the other day when you tried to jump in and defend Schwetty by throwing down a lecture on me. So, you've been in on this thing between me and Schwetty since at least then. You want to pretend you just "happened" to stop in here to provide resolution. Yeah, right. Instead, by HUGE coincidence, you immediately follow Schwetty in here when he's clearly here to insult me, and then you basically do the same thing by comparing my photography to something from Sears.

Then you say, "Oh, no - not your photography, just your choice of background", like that's supposed to make a huge difference. :lol: Do I seem like I'm that stupid to you?

The background is classic muslin style backdrop, used by more photographers past, present and future than you will ever be able to get a handle on. There's no need for me to try to explain that away. You and Schwetty don't like it? All I can do is laugh at such comments because it shows only ignorance, frankly.

Gray was chosen over a few other colors I have because it allows for any clothing styles to fit better, and I had literally scores of people to shoot that day over the course of just a few hours. Changing out backgrounds between them was not going to be an option, and neither was moving lights around to find vantage points around the party that offered backgrounds that weren't busy and ridiculous for classic-style PORTRAITS. But none of that registers with you; You don't get any of that at all. Classic muslin backdrop styles are beyond your portrait photography knowledge base, apparently.

You've been carrying some butthurt around with you since I rebuffed you after you tried to be Schwetty's hero in the thread where you tried to throw down on me with a lecture and it backfired on you. Rather than let it go, you needed something to pick on, and Robin provided it with the background insult here in this thread, so you latched on as well.

You again tried to defend Schwetty, saying he was all innocent, then he eventually outed himself and admitted he was indeed here to insult me. But I'm supposed to believe you when you say you're here innocently?

Sorry, but the current surrounding facts and your posting history as a general butthead don't support your story, and I'm no idiot. If you actually think that I'm going to buy into any explanation from you other than the obvious one, you're mistaken. You can try to weasel-word your way through this any way you like, but I'm not stupid, Tyler.

You really want resolution? Let it go, and move on. Stop needling me for an explanation for why I won't give you a hug.
The background material is not muslin. Grey is a very versatile color. The mottled pattern add texture. The background is well made, typical Lastolite build, and is collapsible to 1/3 it's working size. The built-in train provides for a seemless look for full body shots. If you don't like the look of this background, I'd suggest you put your money towards another product.

The dickering is ridiculous, the whining is juvenile.
Well, I tried. Buckster. I didn't even read your last post, and frankly I don't want to. I am sure it's just more insults towards me, and assumptions that just simply are not true. I was honest, genuine, and downright civil. I stand by what I said, I was NOT comparing your photography to Sears or WalMart. I was simply stating that the background looks similar to those that I've seen at Sears, and that's what it reminded me of. The photography, and lighting DOES NOT remind me of Sears, or Life Touch. The PHOTOGRAPHY is much better than you would see at Sears or Lifetouch. I would say the same thing to anyone using a gray, blue, or any other color under the sun that looked like a tie-dye job on a piece of fabric in respect to the background. I'm sorry, I just feel that it's dated. I even said that it was in my opinion in my post, which it is, just my opinion. You are welcome not to agree with my opinion, but there's no reason to attack me for it.

Come to think of it, you take great offense when people speak about their opinions. As an example, Schwetty posted this: http://www.thephotoforum.com/forum/...photographers-etiquette-help.html#post2593203 Clearly stating that it was "IMO" at the start of the post, you then took it upon yourself to attack him for displaying that opinion. I can only assume you've done the same to me for displaying mine, regardless of how respectful and benign it was. I'm not sure of that's where this conflict between you and Schwetty started or not, I haven't really paid attention. But it was clearly uncalled for.

The disrespect is really uncalled for. I saw this thread, and decided to comment on it. I didn't have any ulterior motives, other than to voice my own opinion. I see now that it was Schwetty's intent to offend you, it was not mine and I still stick to that. I did no name calling, no belittling of character, or any of that. It was unfair of you to treat me the way you did.

I would hope that you would believe me, I've thrown no insults your way and expressed interest on several occasions of putting this all behind us and acting civil. I'm not trying to play anyone for a fool, or insinuating that you're stupid. I was really, honestly trying to resolve a conflict while at the same time share my thoughts on your images.

With that, I am reporting your posts due to the way you acted towards me. I WILL NOT give into your attempts to incite additional conflict. It's too bad something more constructive couldn't have arisen from this. Hopefully you will understand that Schwetty and I are not the same person at some point, and that while he may enjoy taking jabs at you, I don't share the same enjoyment. I have been legitimately working on being a more respectful forum member, and to not be as condescending or offensive. It's a shame that you can't see that.

I'm not asking for a hug, I'm just asking for mutual respect.

Good day.
*thread locked*

That's quite enough - take your personal problems out of the thread and sort them out in private. If you can't agree to get along use the ignore list - also some of you need to learn to step back from the keyboard and get a breath of fresh air before getting heated in replies.
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