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The Main Mayan Temple


TPF Noob!
Feb 12, 2008
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One my Top 5 favorite list that came out of my Cancun trip, Let me know what you guys think, THANKS!!!

anybody wanna take this one... cough cough :D
Thanks for the bump...I'd missed it 'til now.

Lovely shot! I like the lighting and detail on the far off temple, and yet you also got good detail of the carvings in the shadowed foreground. Really good work here, IMO.
nice bump! ha hahaha

i like it but maybe i think that there is too much at the front and detracts attention from the temple.

There is almost 2 shots available there if u know what i mean
I think the foreground is a tad bit distracting, but I still like the photo!

I can't wait to get down there myself!
I love how you got detail in the dark foreground and the sunny pyramid further off.

How long were you there?
I love how you got detail in the dark foreground and the sunny pyramid further off.

How long were you there?

Well I was at the Ruins just for the day, so I tryed to get in as many shots as I could, about 200 :D

I am going through my pictures at the beach and trying to decide which ones to post

To Everybody eles:

Thanks for the comments and advice :D

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