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The Future of Film

Very interesting, thanks for posting the link.

I'm doing my bit - over the last 12 months or so I must have spent at least the price of a mid-range DSLR (and a nice bag and extras) on film (mainly Kodak and Agfa but also Fuji occasionally). I also recently found (for me) a new store in the town I work in that stocks the nicer films (Ektar, Portra, Ilford, Fuji pro, etc) at good prices, are very reasonable on price and flexible on development (if you want just the negatives, no probs) and are quite fast - 2 to 3 days compared with up to a week and a half depending on film type elsewhere.

So my personal experiences in using film continue to be very positive.
Future of film is looking rosey
Fascinating article, thanks!
Where I live in Oregon, film is almost dead. There are two stores in a combined area of 80,000 people and neither camera store has 35mm cameras and hardly any film - just the usual base line Kodak or Fuji print film. Some of the people do not even know what slide film looks like. There is a film guy I know in Eugene which is about 40 miles away and he could provide me with my needs, but he is not truly in the business to supply or process slide film. There is still an E-6 lab in Salem but the last time I used them 5 or 6 years ago, the quality control was dubious. I do try to use local merchants but when they want $11 to special order a 24 exposure roll of Fuji Sensia, I have to look elswhere.
Where I live, film is hard to find locally. Good film is impossible to find locally. (Well, the one exception is that the local CVS still sells Tri-X and Plus-X - they do charge 3 times the going rate for it though...)

If I wanted to drive 40 minutes to an hour, I could find some camera shops that still carry good film, but I mostly order on-line these days.

Thank God for Freestyle & B&H, lol!

Not really worried about the future of film. I know it will probably get more expensive, but I can deal with that.
I must be lucky i can walk 20 minutes and i can get most Ilford films and Fuji in 120 loads more in 35mm
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Unfortunately, around here it is 35mm color, 35mm 400 bwcn, or nothing. Local processing for 35mm c-41 is available. No real B&W, no medium format. We have to drive 80 miles to get to a real camera store, or order online.

The good news is, that the last time I made the trek to the real photography store, choices were limited. Which is not as bad as it sounds. One of the local schools had just been in and bought a bunch of their stuff. Which means more people are coming into film photography, which is a very good thing.

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