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The elusive Cinnamon Hummingbird


Been spending a lot of time on here!
Jan 3, 2019
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Corozal, Belize
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I just got these this morning.

I tried putting a feeder out by the same Lantana that ha been attracting the Green-Breasted Mango hummingbird and after a couple of days I noticed that it was attracting a Cinnamon hummingbird. Its visits are very short and it was insisting on landing on the back side of the feeder making photos useless, I think some of that was due to how close I was sitting and branches from the Lantana. So I trimmed some of the branches and moved where I was sitting to on the deck. This is what I got.. Hopefully it will get more accustomed me and I will be able to get closer.

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Gorgeous shots and bird! Congrats!
Part of the issue is that the feeder is hanging in an arch that is forming an entrance to a garden, I'm still in the process of getting stuff to grow and trained. So I can really only take shots from the "front" and "back". And the sun always comes into play.

But it is coming around very regularly and, with some patience, I should be getting more shots.

Anyone else notice how long the neck is??
Anyone else notice how long the neck is??
Yes! He looks long and thin, like an Anna's Hummer does. He glitters like a jewel. What a beauty!

Your focus is so sharp, you could probably crop that first one showing off those colors. Maybe crop out the left side, all the way into the left side of the feeder so it would be almost a square crop with the bird still off-center.

Just a suggestion, only because I like tight crops with these little guys. :) You're doing great.
Yes! He looks long and thin, like an Anna's Hummer does. He glitters like a jewel. What a beauty!

Your focus is so sharp, you could probably crop that first one showing off those colors. Maybe crop out the left side, all the way into the left side of the feeder so it would be almost a square crop with the bird still off-center.

Just a suggestion, only because I like tight crops with these little guys. :) You're doing great.

Your comments are always well thought out and insightful..fear not!!

I would love to get some tighter shots but am willing to wait until I get closer. These are all taken with the "B" team..my D3 and a Tamron 300mm f/2.8 with a 2x tele-converter, all taken with a tripod. So I don't think the shots really stand up to a lot of cropping. The "A" team is for walking around and is my D4 and Nikon 70-200mm f/2.8 with a Nikon 1.7x tele-converter.

I got this one earlier today and love the way the tail feathers are splayed out.

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Your comments are always well thought out and insightful..fear not!!

I would love to get some tighter shots but am willing to wait until I get closer. These are all taken with the "B" team..my D3 and a Tamron 300mm f/2.8 with a 2x tele-converter, all taken with a tripod. So I don't think the shots really stand up to a lot of cropping. The "A" team is for walking around and is my D4 and Nikon 70-200mm f/2.8 with a Nikon 1.7x tele-converter.

I got this one earlier today and love the way the tail feathers are splayed out.

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Agree about the fanned tail feathers - very dramatic!

You're going to have a lot of fun with your new backyard visitor. :)

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