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The Drowning Sailor

Bend The Light

No longer a newbie, moving up!
Jun 8, 2010
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Barnsley, Oop-Nooerth, UK
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Hi, not been on the Forums for a good while - been really busy, but I have still be taking photos. Will try to get on a little more again.

Well, here's a photo I took a couple of weeks ago...a little morbid, perhaps, but what do you think?

08Dec2013 Drowned by Bend The Light, on Flickr
Very morbid, but quite striking. It evokes quite a bit of emotion.
The image as a whole is haunting. For some reason the hand seems a little awkward though. Overall I like it.
Powerful, evocative, picture.

It certainly says "drowning" bur not necessarily sailor - the flatness of the water strikes me as something else. Sailors don't come off their boats under things are pretty dire, i.e. not flat water. This is about the title, not the picture, though. The picture is fine.

This feels more mystical, or more like suicide, or more like a metaphor.
Very morbid, but quite striking. It evokes quite a bit of emotion.


The image as a whole is haunting. For some reason the hand seems a little awkward though. Overall I like it.

The hand is where it is...this is an exhibit so I was not at liberty to move anything, of course. :)
Powerful, evocative, picture.

It certainly says "drowning" bur not necessarily sailor - the flatness of the water strikes me as something else. Sailors don't come off their boats under things are pretty dire, i.e. not flat water. This is about the title, not the picture, though. The picture is fine.

This feels more mystical, or more like suicide, or more like a metaphor.

It is in fact a model, full size, of a U-boat sailor. So he wasn't in fact OUT of the boat, but more stuck IN the boat. I agree about the water being a little too flat, but again, not much I could do about that. :)

I could have left the title out, but left it as that is indeed what it is. :)


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