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Snowing here again. Getting a little tired of this happening every weekend. Tonight was supposed to be my family birthday party - nothing fancy just Chinese food, cocktails and cake. But we canceled due to the weather. I didn’t want my brother and sister-in-law driving back-and-forth to New Hampshire in this weather and princess would have to drive north 45 minutes to get to and from school so we decided to reschedule. Having a February birthday means I’m used to this. I would say at least 40% of the time we have to reschedule my birthday dinner or drinks or whatever we have planned due to the weather. February birthdays are the worst!
Well, happy birthday anyway! 🎂

My mom's 98th birthday was on February 3rd, and my brother flew in from Colorado for a few days. He took a chance and we were lucky that we had fairly dry weather. It's taken a rather snowy turn since then.
@SquarePeg sorry your celebration got delayed, but Happy Birthday. The only birthday I looked forward to was the 16th, and the 21st. After that the celebration factor goes down hill, till you get to the point that you realize they're a necessary evil in the continuation of your life journey. 😉

Over night our lake crested, 5" below the danger level, and started falling. unfortunately we had a heavy rain in the early morning hours, that will start moving down, so to early to know how that will affect us. We are on the first of three lakes on the Coosa River, it starts near Rome, GA and winds it's way south toward Montgomery, evenualy meeing up with the Alabama River. The three dams are large hydroelectric facilities, which have all been operating at full capacity over the last week. Good for Alabama Power, but worrisome for those that live near the water edge.
Snowing here again. Getting a little tired of this happening every weekend. Tonight was supposed to be my family birthday party - nothing fancy just Chinese food, cocktails and cake. But we canceled due to the weather. I didn’t want my brother and sister-in-law driving back-and-forth to New Hampshire in this weather and princess would have to drive north 45 minutes to get to and from school so we decided to reschedule. Having a February birthday means I’m used to this. I would say at least 40% of the time we have to reschedule my birthday dinner or drinks or whatever we have planned due to the weather. February birthdays are the worst!
Happy Birthday! 🎂🥳 Mine is next weekend.
Snowing here again. Getting a little tired of this happening every weekend. Tonight was supposed to be my family birthday party - nothing fancy just Chinese food, cocktails and cake. But we canceled due to the weather. I didn’t want my brother and sister-in-law driving back-and-forth to New Hampshire in this weather and princess would have to drive north 45 minutes to get to and from school so we decided to reschedule. Having a February birthday means I’m used to this. I would say at least 40% of the time we have to reschedule my birthday dinner or drinks or whatever we have planned due to the weather. February birthdays are the worst!
Have a great Birthday, anyway.

🍲 🍸🍸 🎂

Mine is in September, MLW's is October, Lazy Lobster and Boomer (son #1) are July. MLSIL has a late December birthday so she may need to get used to possible snow once she's in Maine.
No 24" snowblowers to be found and the 28" are low stock, it seems. I ordered the 28" track models and having it delivered to the Maine house. I should be there before it arrives but I warned LL to have a couple friends show up to get it into the garage/shed - the shipping weight is 360 pounds.
Thanks all! It was a milestone birthday that I’d hoped to ignore but the family insisted we must do something! On the actual day I went for a nice dinner with Princess and that’s plenty of celebration for me.
Snowing here again. Getting a little tired of this happening every weekend. Tonight was supposed to be my family birthday party - nothing fancy just Chinese food, cocktails and cake. But we canceled due to the weather. I didn’t want my brother and sister-in-law driving back-and-forth to New Hampshire in this weather and princess would have to drive north 45 minutes to get to and from school so we decided to reschedule. Having a February birthday means I’m used to this. I would say at least 40% of the time we have to reschedule my birthday dinner or drinks or whatever we have planned due to the weather. February birthdays are the worst!
Sorry your party was delayed. Happy birthday!
IMO it looks like a barbecue would not be a great idea for today.
IMO it looks like a barbecue would not be a great idea for today. View attachment 283703
Looks pretty close to what we ended up with around here - my husband went out twice with the snowblower to keep up with it. I think our grand snowfall amounts were around 6-7" over 48 hours.

The sun was trying to pop out by late this afternoon. We'll be dry tomorrow- and then the bottom drops out on the temps. Lows of 2°F for the next couple of days.
We got about 6” of snow overnight then it turned to freezing rain and soaked everything. That snow was heavy! Had to use the snow blower first time this season. I was drenched by the time I got back inside. I’m done with snow and snow removal for the winter. If it snows again I’m ignoring it until it melts.
We got close to 12" over the span of the weekend. My snowblower survived (Was out 3 times) but towards the end i could tell my auger belt was starting to slip. So in the spring it is going to need some attention. Hopefully no more huge snows like this over the next month or so.
I got bored yesterday and made a short creepy video of a flickering light I recorded at an empty restaurant I was in.

I got bored yesterday and made a short creepy video of a flickering light I recorded at an empty restaurant I was in.

I only needed about 14 seconds of that - the green overhead light and the flickers was definitely creepy!

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