The Coffee House

occasional daiquiri or Mai Tai style drink, something fruity.
Little over a year ago Dr's orders, layoff off the alcohol and lose weight. So far I've lost over 50lbs, and mostly abstained, but a good bourbon straight up, is hard to resist, that's why I don't keep it on hand much. I also enjoy an occasional good wine.
It's the best kind, right? :)

In other news: I saw a fox today, hosers! :fox:

I was at my back door giving Little Red her walnuts and when I stood up, I saw a bushy red tail disappearing around my garage. Which meant this guy had to come up my driveway, since there's a fence between our back yards on that side.

I waited to see him come around and he did - gorgeous big fox. He sauntered across my yard and went to the other neighbor's back yard, and disappeared.

I turned to my squirrel friend to say: Did you see that? But she was nowhere in sight. :lol:

I did call the Safety Dept of our small city and gave them my cross streets, but he seemed unimpressed.
Sunday brunch for a female Cooper's hawk dining on a dove was, gulp, interesting. Nature red in touth and claw, right? And on our back fence, too.
This morning just after daylight, took Phoebe on her morning walk around a fire lane, turned a corner and came face to face with a Doe. Pheb froze, didn't know if she should point it, bark at it, or run from it. :chuncky:
Little over a year ago Dr's orders, layoff off the alcohol and lose weight. So far I've lost over 50lbs, and mostly abstained, but a good bourbon straight up, is hard to resist, that's why I don't keep it on hand much. I also enjoy an occasional good wine.
This is pretty much the reason I decided I needed to cut back. As a pre-diabetic I decided I did not want to cross that line, especially after watching my wife have to jab herself or attach a Dexcom, no thank you very much. I could stand to lose a few pounds, and it may help with my sleep apnea as well. I want to be able to retire in a few years and be able to enjoy it.
I made my own pizza tonight! I been practicing making pizza. Not sure why. Just always wanted to do it myself. I bought a wooden peel an aluminum peel plus a baking stone. Although I want to try baking steel they're expensive however so once I get my technique down I might invest in one.

This was probably my best one yet. The crust was so light and airy, I couldn't believe it when I took the first bite and swear it tasted like something at a pizzeria.

I'm on the right track!


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