The Coffee House

Maine morning.

29 F so I put on a flannel shirt and long pants, then went out on the deck fir a phone snap.

Here's a gift article link, you should be able to see the recipe: Ratatouille Recipe

If you can't, let me know and I'll copy it for you.
Thanks! This looks like a fun project for a cold, rainy day. Very labor intensive, but I'll bet it tastes like heaven! Each region seems to have its own take on this classic peasant dish.
lol, they (NYT) want me to "sign up" to see the recipe. Not happening. I'll google it. I'm always looking for recipes. Meine Frau really liked what I made, so I may stay with it.
There are good facsimiles online, most slight riffs on the original.
Woohoo! The weekend is here! This was a rough week for me, but I made it!

Honey is integrating into the pack nicely, and becoming more comfortable with us, although she still shies at any sudden movement.
Untitled by Jeff Ashman, on Flickr

In other news, I tried my hand at an authentic French ratatouille, and it came out rather good if I might say so! 😁 We had it along with cubed chicken breast sauteed in garlic, onions, paprika, and a dry red wine.
Untitled by Jeff Ashman, on Flickr
Honey looks pretty settled in there Mr, excellent.
They're losing steam, thanks to the glut of online "brand ambassadors," "influencers," and shills for photo gear.
Still, trade shows can be fun, like going to the big Metro boat show in darkest February.
My take on 'em all and most other temptations? Just because you're on a diet doesn't mean you can't look at the menu!
I haven't been to a trade show in years. I planned to go to Profusion because it was supposed to be free. Part of the reason for showing up this year is because I am under the impression that the Canadian business scene is in a bad way this year. The overall economy is on thinner ice than usual. Profusion is run by Vistek, which is not a company I know well. I've been to their store, but not often. Attending the show was my only "backing" of that store. I probably would not have bought anything, but incrementing their attendance number would have helped them "that much".
2 nights of camping, the bunnys have worn me out. Gotta find some motivation to finish off the painting of there lattice & make 2 modifications.

Haven't seen the baby magpies yet, they should be close to being fledglings.
There are good facsimiles online, most slight riffs on the original.
As you can see here, opinion hasn't exactly settled on how the dish is made:

Check out the classic Elizabeth David books and recipes. She adds coriander seeds to her ratatouille. Some kvetched it made it too N. African but the Mediterranean shores swapped all kinds of flavors. Personally, the coriander works for me to cut the sweetness of peak season produce.
This weekend was a fun one. went shopping for a tractor. I think I found the one. It's used but barely has 50 hours on it, it still looks new. Still expensive but I think it's worth it. New is a little more expensive but the attachments that were included are an extra $5k. If things all work out well, I might have it this week to play around with!
I haven't been to a trade show in years. I planned to go to Profusion because it was supposed to be free. Part of the reason for showing up this year is because I am under the impression that the Canadian business scene is in a bad way this year. The overall economy is on thinner ice than usual. Profusion is run by Vistek, which is not a company I know well. I've been to their store, but not often. Attending the show was my only "backing" of that store. I probably would not have bought anything, but incrementing their attendance number would have helped them "that much".
Online "brand ambassadors" and "influencers" can't put the product in your hand. My choice of Vistek or Henrys is based on ongoing relationships with individual sales staff--who will get what I want at a fair price.
I always pay cash and politely ask, "What's your best price for me?" If there's a slight discount, I go back regularly and get better prices provided they have some discount leeway on specific items/brands. Many staff like this approach since it's personal, easy and quick. Informed regular customers get rewarded for being regulars and quick sales. They want you back--simply put.
Less concerned about sales downdrafts linked to the economy. Simple fact is that gear now is so good that incremental improvements aren't good bait. Fewer people now worrying they might die in their sleep not owning the latest gear.
Trade shows? Make a day or afternoon of it and finger all the gear you can. That's why they're there.

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